New from New York

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Dec 4, 2010
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Hi all my name is Chris and I'm from upstate New York and I'm a beginner wine maker started in may 2010 with some fruit wines. The first was a raspberry and the second was a blackcap/black raspberry. My other wines i made over the summer where (all 1 gallon batches)

~ Blueberry
~ Elderberry
~ Peach
~ Cherry

The kits i have made so far are.

Riesling Ice Wine (Selection Special) came out really nice

Vino Del Vida Merlot (its in secondary being cleared right now)

I plan on buying some pails from the orchard I live by next year when they come in they have me on a mailing list to let me know when i can start to order. The pails are 5 gallons of juice. I would also like to get some pails from midwest but I don't have the money for a press right now and I do plan on getting one at some point.
Welcome aboard!! Sounds like you on your way - feel free to ask questions along your way. There are a lot of knowledgeable folks in this forum.
Thanks I do have a few questions about testing kits I'll go post over in the equipment thread.
Welcome looks like you jumped right into making fruit wines.
You may want to ck some recipes here and look for the f-pac thread.
Both will help you.
Welcome to the forum Chris. You are close to wine growing country aren't you.


yes I am missed out on a free wine tour last year plan on going this year. also plan on getting fresh New York grape juice pails next season.