My "First" Proudest Moment in Wine Making

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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2005
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Today I experienced my "1st" proudest moment in wine making. My wine was used for communion during Mass at church this morning.

Normally, to me this would be no big deal but I was so proud of myself as prior to Mass i heard a few of the church Elders commenting about how good the wine was as they had heard one of the congregation had made it. We are new to this church so we don't really know anyone there yet. I guess they sampled it prior to Mass to assure it wasn't poison or anything terrible since they knew it was "homemade".

After Mass, which was particularly special since today is Advent, quite a few of these people came to look me up and ask about my wine and wanting to buy some off of me. They were amazed that someone could make a "commercial" type wine in their homes. Here it is either Blueberry or Muscadine for the home wine maker. Of course I didn't sell any but did give a few bottles for gifts.

I was really nervous about supplying this wine after the Priest asked for some as this is a very young wine only 3 months in the bottle. I really didn't think it was ready for that and really didn't want the public to be sampling my product yet.Itwas a Cellar Craft Rosso Fortissimo. It is very good at this point and only hope I can stash some back to let it reach its potential.

Even I was impressed when I took Communion. It had sat in the Chalice for approx. an hour during Mass so I guess it really had a chance to "breath". It had an excellent aroma and a long, smooth finish. Very full with great body. (Did I use enough yuppie wine tasting terms here?) It was truly a delight. At first I though it was sinful to be enjoying communion wine (normally the cheapest red that can be bought)until I realized the symbolism behind it.

I currently have a VR Bordailles Rouge that is clearing that I am donating to the church. It is close to bottling and sample tastes are very good. I really don't think the Vintners Reserve kits get enough credit.

I really don't know why I am posting this other than to blow my own horn but as this hobby is still new to me, it truly amazes me that I can produce a product that is as good or better than anything you can buy commercial.

It also amazes me that these people that wanted my wine were people that can afford to buy any wine they would desire and they were impressed by a kit wine. This in itself is a testimonial to the quality of these kits we make. It is amazing, truly amazing.

I am sure there will be more "proudest" moments in my wine making career such as my firstbottle from a scratch batch of grapes that I have grown to my first medal from a competition. It really all falls back to the fine folks here as wellsincemost everything I am knowledgeable with came from this group. Thank you

Edited by: smurfe
Thanks for sharing that Smurfe. I wanna say congratulations. I know it would be an honor.

If it bragging, then you have earned bragging rights for having the ability to produce a wine that others enjoy.

Congradulations on making something so well recieved.......

And wanted
We are all proud of you, as you should be.

I hope you told them where to find home wine making supplies
geocorn said:
We are all proud of you, as you should be.

I hope you told them where to find home wine making supplies

Actually, I can see a couple of them getting into it.
