Muscidine question

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i hope it settles alot in this first one were i dont loose much i may end up buying some marbles to make up some room if i do
It will settle, but there is some wine still in the sludge that's worth saving. I got a gallon of plum right now that was nothing but sludge when I racked it but now I got almost 3/4 gallon of wine sitting on top of the sludge.
Oh, and I squeezed the crap out of all my stuff when going to secondary. Might take a little longer to clear but it's worth it in the end.
i squeezed this well to..... had a big mess today for about 3 hours lol....did decide i want to find a small fruit press like a table top version that want break the bank
I reckon Im not the only one that had muscadine turn out like that. Mine looks exactly like yours. Its been 7 days since I put in the secondary. How long will you leave yours looking like this ?
Right now j have 7 gallons almost perfectly clear and a 1/2 gallon jug that has about 1/3 sludge. It does not take long once the yeasties are dead.
ok thank long would yall let the crud in the pic settle out before racking again

sorry, I am now seeing this post, been kinda busy. I would let is sit a month but I know I am late on replying, like DrAlarms said save the sludge. My reason for letting is sit a month is to let that sludge compact itself a little.
So I guess that means no stirring or shaking the bottle. Just leave it alone and let it settle
yea and for future reference, I would let if ferment to dry in the primary before racking to a carboy. When it gets between 1.000 and 1.010, snap the lid down
Thanks a lot , sure has helped me out. Didn't have this problem last year. But for some reaon I did things different and ended up like this.