mullberry wine

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Jun 20, 2015
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hi folks. i posted back in june that i was starting a batch of mullberry wine. i am finally going to bottle it this weekend and i have a question about back sweeting it. i will be using Global wine conditioner. my sg is at .990 and i was wondering, will the conditioner chance the sg and if so, what sg should i shoot for for a perfect balance?
Is there a reason you are planning to use Global Wine Conditioner over adding potassium sorbate and then sugar or simple syrup? Many folks report the Global stuff imparts a funky aftertaste to their wine.

What I do is pull out several 100 ml samples of wine and add 1/4 tsp increments to each then pick the one just before the one I like best and add a like amount to my entire batch.

And yes, adding sugar changes your final sg. But doesn't change (well at least not very much.) you overall abv. The final sg you should shoot for its the one you like best. Have never made mulberry wine so I can't help with it.
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If you do use the sugar/simple syrup method, do not forget to stabalize. Add Pot. sorbate and k-meta to keep the yeast from refermenting by using the sugars for food. I haven't tried the wine conditioner, but if it has any fermentable sugars in it you should stabalize if you use it. Arne.
like cmason said it's up to you on the amount of sweetness in the wine. i have made mulberry several times, and i have always left it completely dry, but that is what we like.
so do tests, and follow your taste! good luck!
thanks, i understand that i need to make sure the yeast doesnt start back up and have plans for that. the reason i am going to use global wine conditioner was because somewhere here it was recommended. not directly to me but in other threads. i have taken some pride in the fact i have not added any water at all to this batch, was pure juice and would like to keep it that way. any suggestions as far as what else to add to it without watering it down?
liquid sugar? hmm, ill have to look for that thank you.

If you are truly concerned about the amount of water that would be added with a simple sugar, you can also make the syrup with some of your wine, just understand that if the temp goes above 173 F that some of your alcohol will evaporate.

i would not be too concerned about the water that would be added with the syrup, since it will be a very small amount in the grand scheme of things.

also the liquid sugar is not truly "liquid" sugar, it is also just a syrup that is made in the process of making sugar. instead of continuing to evaporate the sugar solution made from the plants into a super concentrated solution that then forms crystals, it is taken out before it gets to that concentration. it is also not as filtered and purified as white sugar hence the "raw" part.