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Dec 8, 2008
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Hello Everyone,

I have a 10 pound CO2 tank that I use specifically for racking (so far only meads and beers as I just recently made my first wine), force carbing bottles (using a Carbonator), gettingan initial seal on my corny kegs, and topping off carboys. In perusing the forum, I've run across many postings about how much K-Meta to use, when to use it, etc., etc. .....
The general consensus (I think?) is to add a 1/4 tsp. before bottling, and IF you decide to bulk-age, add another 1/4 tsp. every 3-4 months to keep the SO2 levels up. Is this correct?

In any event,my specific question is this: When bulk aging will I need to add additional K-Meta even if I blanket the top of the carboy with CO2?

Thanks again (this is an awesome site!),

- GL63
GL63,I was under the impression that a small amount of exposure to airwas beneficial..?

edit: the amount of air after toping off to the appropriate levelEdited by: mississippi mud
The only real way of knowing for sure is to use a test kit for the S02, even a simple test will let you know how much free S02 you have. With the blanket always there, you might not need as much. They recently ran an article in WIneMaker Magazine on transferring wine with the setup you have and also cover topping with it for a blanket. I think it was the Nov/Dec issue. It may be online by now.

It is December/January page 68 and isn't online other than the title.Edited by: appleman
Mud, that is only true of micro-oxygenation of wine after bottling in minute amounts. You don't want any more exposure to oxygen than possible once active fermentation is complet.
Holy Schnikeys !!! You guys are unbelievable !!!
I just recently signed up for a subscription to WineMaker Magazine and look forward to receiving my copies. In the interim, I will check out that article once it is posted online as my subscription begins with the Jan/Feb issue.

Thanks Much ! - GL63

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