Mosti Mondiale MM AllJuice Nero d'Avola

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Senior Member
Feb 19, 2007
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The Nero d'Avola kit has been started. Here is a picture in my 'little garbage can' at about 34 hours.


- Jim
Thats one rolling fermentation! I made that kit and it didn't boil near that high. I still have a few months before I open one of these but it sure was tasty at bottling.

It hasn't been made explicitely to the instructions of the kit, which may explain the difference in foaming activity here. My co-workers said it looked like a snow cone. :)

- Jim
Thanks Jim that does look and sounds like it willbe verygood, just added it to my wish list. Keep us posted
Looking good Jim! I "unzipped" my Nero D'Avola All Juice on 10/17 and took the first SpGr @ 1.090. On 10/20 my SpGr was 1.082. I was just a bit concerned, but when I looked at the bucket the morning of 10/21 I noticed that the "residue" had spilled over the side and the top was moved off center. Temperature was only 66*. I checked the SpGr12 hours laterand it had moved down to 1.052 and appears to be very active! I am hoping that things continue to progress well. This is my first All Juice batch so I am just a little nervous. I have had very good experiences with my Vinafera Noble kits.

I kept having the 23L kits foam up and wasn't so happy with the mess, so I figured a 10-gallon would work and thusfar it has. Already, the s.g. is down from the original 1.094 at 70 degrees on 10/19/08 to about 1.040 at 57 hours (10:00 PM on 10/21/08), so the nutrients went in. It's actually fermenting at 78 degrees, so I'm trying to get that a bit cooler there so those yeasties are not like a runaway train. I think those plastic fermenters end up helping to hold some of that heat in.

The aroma is one of deep, darkberries - the initial juice smelled quite rich. I've actually had a few Italian juices from Mosti that I've been making lately, so I'll be interested to see how they all turn out and compare. My AllJuice Montepulciano should be ready to rack from secondary fermentation tomorrow.

- Jim
I'm like appleman Jim..I can smell that through my speakers...Dang that looks good
It's been in 'Coca-Cola' mode since the morning after I made my original post and today is already down to 1.020. In a couple of hours, it will happily be relocated to a nice, comfortable carboy with a good view. Next in line will be the AllJuice Bourg Royal Rouge.

- Jim
Lookin good Jim!! I really like the Nero, think you will too.

I just opened a bottle thats been aging for only 1 month so far,
its smells fruity and yummo, taste is great, fruity and its strong yet smooth without being astringent or sweet, the color is dark ruby red and is on point. Really good stuff

Im very happy with the Nero, just wished I degassed/cleared it better,, ahh always a next batch
Edited by: Dominick

That's great to hear - I'll keep posting tasting notes as they come available.

- Jim
We love this grape. I gotta order more.

My Dad hates wine, he loves this Nero, he just finished 1/2 a bottle and was trashed!!! hahahahahahaha...
What did you mean that it hadn't been made completely to the directions? Just outta curiosity what did you tweak?

I made the following modifications taking the responsibility for them fully into my own hands...

I used Lavlin D254 yeast with a proper yeast nutrient schedule. I did not use the provided oak in the secondary. I also used a tannin and mouthfeel enhancer before adding the yeast and raised the specific gravity of the must slightly as well. This wine will see a 5-gallon French oak Medium toast barrel toward the end of December or the beginning of January.

- Jim
Will do. I'm in the process of expanding my 'cellar' web page to include history, pictures, and tasting notes of the kits. The Nero is planned to be bottled in June of 2009 and won't be initially tasted until at least three months after that. Of course, samples sneak out of the carboys now and then.

- Jim
Jim are all those barrels full and what size are they? Looks great in there.