Merlot - Cabernet Sauvignon / European

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Oct 21, 2013
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Hi everyone !

I'm new to the forum, registered I mean, although I have watched all the discussions over the years as a guest only and I thank each and everyone of you for all the valuable information provided.

Have no idea how many europeans might be around, but anyway I think we can share thoughts no matter where we come from. I am from Romania which, as you may know, it is well known for having a very good terroir for growing grapes. I apologize in advance as I'll be using metric units, can't even think in gallons, lbs or F degrees... sorry for that !

Just to briefly introduce my "things" - I have a small vineyard in the countryside where I grow Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon (both for myself) and some hybrid country grapes (for my father :)). 2013 was the first production year for my french vines. The initial figures were :
Merlot - brix at harvest 24.5, sg 1.1033, must volume 225 liters
Cabernet - brix at harvest 22.5, sg 1.094, must volume 185 liters
Unfortunately my ph meter was broke from the start and so I was not able to check the ph or ta at harvest. Checked however the ph at a later stage, after the primary fermentation, and Merlot came out with 3.49 and Cabernet 3.46.

Didn't adjust anything, just added 50 ppm so2 at crush. Added as well Lallzyme ex & hc, then inoculated yeast strain icd-d21 (using go ferm protect for hydration) and used fermaid k as nutrient. The primary fermentation went well, finished in 12 days for Merlot and 10 days for Cabernet (increased a bit the nutrient and yeast dosage compared to Merlot). Fermentation completed under the following parameters:
Merlot - sg 0.986, potential alcohol 14%, final wine volume 158 liters
Cabernet - sg 0.990, potential alcohol 12.5%, final wine volume 121 liters

Both wines went into stainless tanks for malolactic fermentation. Inoculated with bacteria vp41 adding opti malo plus according to the instructions. bacteria dosage was a bit over the recommendation which I know is no problem, I just had a bit more than what I was needed and didn't want to keep it for the next year.

Now, it's already a month since bacteria inoculation, I know the fermentation is going on since I've done already 3 chromatography tests (end of 2nd, 3rd and 4th week) and malic spots are decreasing in size and intensity, although with very small steps. Obviously the small steps are coming from the temperature which is only around 13-14 degrees C in my basement. I know it's low, but I would like to ask if any of you had such experience with low temps and vp41, it will finally come to an end ? it will require 2 or 3 months maybe ?

Thanks to all for your input.

Welcome to Wine Talk!

I'm new to wine making but can see from your intro that you have a lot of experience. I'm looking forward to learning from your posts.
Welcome to WMT.

It seems your wine is progressing along well. VP41 is supposedly a good strain (I'm using it for the first time now myself), and it has a temp tolerance down to about 16C, according to MoreWine ( I suspect you will be fine, but it could take 2-3 months, as you mention.
Bkisel & Boatboy

Thanks for your welcome wish and inputs.

Indeed VP41 is supposed to tolerate temps as low as 16 deg C, but I'm even lower than that. Anyway presume producers they'll never tell you, for instance, VP41 will work even at 10 deg C but it will take 6 months to complete, despite it might be true. That's why I'm looking for anyone who experienced something similar and perhaps share the results.

if you are concerned about the time element place an electric blanket around the tanks cover with another blanket and raise your temp. MLF will complete sooner. I would be worried about long time exposure without so2 addition.
if you are concerned about the time element place an electric blanket around the tanks cover with another blanket and raise your temp. MLF will complete sooner. I would be worried about long time exposure without so2 addition.

Thanks Sal,

Yeap, this is my main concern too. The only thing I can do, and I do in fact, is whenever I open the tanks for a gentle stirring I then flush head spaces with CO2.

Electric blankets, which I admit I thought about, are not an option as I do not live there and I can't leave the electricity running without anyone being around. You never know what may happen. Forgot to mention, this place is in fact a weekend house and therefore during the weekdays I'm simply not there.

Thanks anyway for your suggestion.
Dear all

3 weeks ago I had to take a decision what to do further on. There were already 3 months since mlf started and unfortunately temperature dropped down even more to about 6 deg C due to winter season. And so I decided to go for aquarium heaters which I bought and inserted into the tanks. After 3 weeks of use, the temperature of wine stays constantly to about 19-20 deg C and mlf has restarted. It is now almost finished and this weekend I'm planning to rack the wine and go to the next step - oak barrel aging. Except a bit of yeasty smell and flavour in my Merlot, which I hope it'll go away with time, otherwise both wines seems alright.
