Other Measuring SG in Carboy

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Thanks again for the tips of wisdom. I put a heating pad on it and got the temp up to 70...looks like I might need to go higher. I've been stirring the wine daily per instruction so that horse is out of the barn. Hopefully I haven't killed the finish. I'm on day 4 of a 6 day racking. I know more procrastination. How does acolder fermentation change the wine?
MDwines, I tie a piece of waxy floss string around the top of the hydrometer. Works like a charm!!!

Are you in Maryland??
Hey MDWines,

Did you know that the UofArkansas is one of only two 'MAJOR' US universities that has an enology degree program?

Did you know that it also is one of the USA's major players in developing hybrid grapes vines? They sell hundreds of thousands of vines straight from to university.

Most people don't know that. I used to live next to acres and acres of grape vines.
If that is the case DancerMan about U of Ark, then there are at least 3 in the country as Cornell University in NY has an Enology and Viticulture program also (as does California). I have been seasonally employed by them for the last two summers and look forward to this year also.

I know that Arkansas has a great Table Grape breeding program and utilizes a number of varieties developed in NY in the breeding program. We are beginning to see unprecendented cooperation among grape breeders and researchers across the country- always a good thing.

Boy has this strayed from hydrometer talk.
uavwmn said:
MDwines, I tie a piece of waxy floss string around the top of the hydrometer. Works like a charm!!!

Are you in Maryland??
Thought MD was in MD too. Was about to say howdy neighbor lol.
I thought my comment might insite some passion. Don't get me wrong it may have all the makings of a great wine state but go to the wineries and talk with the locals. You can also talk to any wine producing state (ie CA) and they will tell you that they can't ship into AR. Or the shipping cost is outrageous. I can't get my favorites into the state unless I fly SW and travel with empty boxes. The AR government is protecting distribution and muscadine is the grape of choice for the local wineries. This is one of the reasons I've turned to making wine. I need wine and wine variety!