Mosti Mondiale Master's and Meglioli packaging

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2005
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On the Master's Ed and Meglioli, the bag opening is never at the top of the box (atleast in my experiences). I know the bags are strong but I'm not so I cannot maneuver the bag around. What I do is open the box to find out where the bag opens, then seal the box back up, turn it over so the opening will be at the top then try to make a hole big enough in that side of the box (no easy task) so I can siphon out my wine. I was wondering if anyone found an easier way. I don't understand why they can't position it at the top like other kits.
Thats pretty weird.

I have yet to make a Master's or Meg kit so no data on those but every one of the MM Renaissance and AJ have all been positioned at the top. I think I would have just as much trouble trying to reposition one as you!

On my last AJ I decided to try the siphon route and man it was sure easier than trying to pick up that bucket and aim quickly for the Primary.

Sounds like you have had some bad luck with the boxes but your doing it the best/easiest way none the less!
Jackie I have the same problem sometimes. I'll usually get one of my boys to reposition the juice bag, but I always use the siphon ......... so much easier. I think I borrowed that from Peter Z and his idea has saved lots of juice!
A siphon on the juice bag! Brilliant!
Transferring into the primary (without a siphon) is the most "exciting" part of making wine, however.
All these companies really need to redesign the bag in box. Maybe the plastic bag inside a Cheap plastic milk carton material, just strong enough so that the product doesnt get all flipped around in the box which probably would probably help protect the product better and this flimsy added protection shouldnt do much if anything to the cost.
I spoke to Matteo Meglioli (Mosti's tech director) about this at the last Winestock. He told me that it is a filling/shipping issue. The bags they can buy are tall, rather than squat, with the fill spout at the top. This works well with the automatic filling equipment they use. If the boxes were to stand vertically, however, they would not palletize well for shipment to retailers like George, and would tend to take a beating when shipped to us. They are working with their box manufacturer to get cutouts to pull the spout through so the box can be stood on end for siphoning.

So how do I do it? I open the box and remove everything except the juice bag. Then I close the box back up and stand it on end with the spout up. Open the box back up and let the bag gently "fall over" so the spout is lieing to the side. Then, holding the spout in one hand, I lay the box back down, keeping the spout up. Finally, holding the spout in my left hand, I pop the cap, insert a pre-sanitized autosiphon and into the primary it goes.

It's kind of hard to visualize, but easy to do. If George wants to donate a Masters Edition kit to the cause I'll demonstrate at the next Winestock. In fact, George, I'll be in the store next Friday morning and if you want to video it I'll demonstrate.
Thanks PeterZ. I'll try that next time (I'm not sure I can even lay the box back down with just one arm around it but it won't hurt to try). Video wouldn't help me--my slow dialup internet won't run online videos but I think I get the idea anyway. Thanks for explanation from Mosti's perspective too. I knew there had to be a reason.