Mosti Mondiale Late Transfer to Secondary

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Jan 7, 2008
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Hoping this is not an issue...but just want to clarify.

I've got my first Alljuice fermenting as we speak. Unfortunately, I was called out of town unexpectedly on business for a few days, and racked from primary to secondary (and onto oak) a couple of days later than expected. The SG was down to 1.0, versus the 1.02 recommended.

Again, I don't expect this will be a huge issue...I just plan to leave it an extra two days on the oak and lees before I rack off.

Anything else I should be concerned about?
You should be fine but try not to let this happen to often as sometimes this can cause a stalling effect with the yeast and the added fermentation gases are used to protect the wine in carboy.
She's still bubbling (about once every 15 seconds) 24 hours later. Looks like I'm good. Thanks!
I'd say things were fine. You probably have seen on other threads that you need to rack to secondary before the fermentation finishes so that you get a CO2 buildup in the carboys to prevent oxidation.

Keep us posted.