K-met Sanitizing with Beer

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Senior Member
Jun 25, 2009
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I saw a post that mentioned some problems when sanitizing with K-Met for beer brewing. From the stuff I have read I didn't see anything specific about what is the "best" way to sanitize.

What would be the preferred way?

What kind of problems could I have (will I have with my first batch) when using K-Met?

Sanitizing for beer you can use Star San or iodine. Iodine is the
cheapest way to do it and its very effective as a sanitizer. Star San
is an acid cleaner and works very well but is a more expensive option.

Star San is $11-$22, no rinse needed


I also use iodophor, a 1 quart bottle costs <$10 and you mix it at a ratio 1 tsp to 1 1/2 gallons or 5 ml to a gallon and a half. As per label as long as there is amber color there is sufficient iodine to sanitize

I mix 1 ml to 1 liter in a spray bottle and spray all my cleaned items in a sanitized rubbermaid bin. I let it set for a couple minutes per directions

As far as problems if you use k-meta, I guess that its just not strong enough to kill all the microbes associated with beer. Specifically I can't tell you. But I wouldn't take the chance of getting an infection in your wort.
The problem with sulfites and beer is that beer is much more susceptible to the taste of the sulfites coming through and the fact that it ca prevent a secondary fermentation as far as bottle carbing. Also like Gaudet said Beer has a much lower abv so it is much more susceptible to infections hence why a stronger sanitizer is desired. I like the Star-San myself better as Iodophor before it is diluted can stain everything very easily. On another note be very careful as far as spilling Star San undiluted on surfaces as it is very strong. I had accidentally spilled a little on my wine making counter and didnt notice it until 2 days later and it ate right through the color layer of Formica. Thank the lord it was my wine making area and not the kitchen counter or Id be making a new kitchen counter and in the proess the wife would probably say why dont we do the cabinets over now also!
Gee Wade, interesting choice. A spill stains (iodine) or a spill eats thru the counter (Star-San). Does Star-San concentrate have any affect on skin?

BTW, iodophor is supposed to be iodine mixed with surfactants that keep it on the surface, so if cleaned up quickly it shouldn't stain.

Well I did get some iodophor on my pants and that didnt come off and when I bough the container of Iodophor I guess the lid didnt seal properly as the place where i keep it has to be layed down and it stained a whole bunch of stuff in that drawer. I guess Im pretty lucky the Star San didnt leak cause maybe I wouldnt even have a drawer then!