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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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How's this?

LOOKS GOOD JOAN..MIGHT TRY A DIFFERENT COLOR Background for "John Johnson" Maybe a daRK TAn
Wow Joan....... I'm blown away...... I love it.

However I have to admit, I bottled this one sometime last year............. Maybe September...... October......... don't remember but I posted it on one of the threads, I'll have to find it.

Am I the only one that uses this board as a scratch pad to keep track of when you did something................. Man..... I'm a horrible wine maker............... But I'll keep practicing....

EDIT: I don't know Waldo, with a clear bottle and a dark redish black wine, it will probably blend in nicely by contrast.

Edited by: jobe05
Nice label Joan and Jobe...You should both be proud.

I also Post my recipes, datesand such on this Forum...[my little notepad]...should my computer puke or loose my notebook like some people [Waldo] I can always come to this Fourm and find my notes...
I was waiting for jobe to comment on this label before I posted anything. I think it is absolutely ASTOUNDING! If I saw one of these on a store shelf- I would want to try it! Bottled 2007 or 2008 - hopefully an easy change for Martha, but it is certainly one I would be proud to display on my best wine. It might even turn a so-so wine into a great one just being near the label!
You are spot on Appleman........ The labels that Joan and Ramona make, speaks for the wine inside the bottle. I can look at a label, and I can see what the wine will taste like based on the colors, the art work, the descriptions. I have made many labels and I have made a couple I like, but Joan and Ramona hit the nail on the head each time, first try! Very creative minds at work there and we are extremely fortunate to have the 2 of them right here with us.
Jobe, I will correct the date at work tomorrow. I don't have that font here according to Photoshop!

Waldo, here is what I blatantly stole to use. I tried to match colors and fonts with the original.


It was here before but it didn't post! Hopefully it will this time!

Edited by: Joan
Joan, can you take labels that are posted, save them in a file and tweak them in Print Shop?