Its a Boy

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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2011
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Well my one of my two 6 gal. glass carboys gave birth today as I came home to a 3 gal. glass baby boy , lol . Anyways my glass C-boys are adding up faster n faster as I have two more 6 gal. ones on order , along with another wine kit from RJS, white Choc. white port . Someone said when I first joined that my C-boy collection would multiply quite fast , and it is starting to .

I have about 18 carboys of various volumes but from now on, I am buying Demijohns because I find I have zeroed in on a few reds that I really like. I make a triple (18 gallon) batch at a time. I can get 15 gallon demijohns for under $50 here in Ohio so that is a better buy for me. Once I place them, they are pretty much set but I have a pump so that makes their weight a non-issue.
I had to instill protection because I have 25 fives. Had to make bunk racks for them
Kind of like this!!!!!!
Thats an early years pic bit once in a great while I still get a close one!