WineXpert I must be doing something wrong..?

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Aug 15, 2008
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I just finished 2 separate batches of wine and ready to bottle.

My batch of Exotic Fruits Wht. Zin. and am ready to bottle. However, I tasted it and it is not sweet at all, and it has a funny taste. I measured the alc. and it's at 2%. Thinking back, I don't know what went wrong?

I also made at the same time a batch of Cab. Sauv. with the same funny taste (for a Cab), but reading 0 alc.

-Temp throughout the process on both was 68-72 degrees.
-I used bottled drinking water from the store.

Although I was very careful, could this be a problem with sterilization?

The way I sterilize is start with a clean product, rinsing with hot tap water, then cool tap water, submerge or rinse (depending on how big the object is)with sod. metabi. solution and then rinse that off with cool tap water again.

Thanks gang!

Do you have starting and finishing specific gravity measurements for these fermentations?

- Jim
Wow! How are you measuring your alcohol at this point? And please, post your specific gravity numbers through the process.
Did your yeast bubble and do it's work?
What can you tell us about the action in the primary fermenter?
Welcome Mako to the forum!

I reitterate what the others have asked for. Without SG numbers you can't really accurately get %ABV without sophisticated equipment. If you followed all the directions the White Ain should have finished fairly sweet- if you added the sorbate and k-meta at the end. If not it could have refermented to dry. Let us know your test procedure and we can help you more.
I did not record , however they were all within the range for each step.It took 72 hrs to start ferm for the Wht. Zin. Had a good purkulator goingafter that. During the second step, all was purkulating good for three days, and then slowed down dramatically. Eventually to a stop by the 5th day. There was foamon both during ferm. More on the Cab.

The Cab started fermin 24 hrs and purkulated more aggresively.

Both cleared beautifuly.

I started the Zin on July 4th. SG reading on Zin on July 19th was .0993

The Cab was started on july 12th.
As far as the taste, they are both very young. Have you considered bulk aging for a while before bottling? If you give them a little more time the flavor should come around. Even the fruity wine should come around a bit.Did you add the F-pak?
I'm not familiar with how to read the alcohol level using a hydrometer on a finished product. Someone else will have to handle that part.
I could bulk age them first. I only have a couple of more weeks though. don't know if that is enough time. They are formy wedding on Sept. 6th. for the lack of throwing them out, I could let them set and just buy some wine for the wedding. I did use the f-pak.
You can't read the ABV with the hydrometer when it is finished. You take the starting SG-potential alcohol and the ending SG- potential alcohol. The difference gives you the finished %ABV. Let's say you start with 12.5% potential alcohol as per SG reading. To make it simple, let's say it finishes at a SG of 1.000 or 0%ABV potential. The finished wine would be 12.5 %ABV.

If you are going to serve it now, bottle right away. Two weeks is really cutting it close to get over bottle shock. Unless you have a really large crow you might want to just buy a good wine and let this age. It will be much better after some aging. 30 days is usually minimum for the White Zin and much more for the Cab.

Congratulation on the impending wedding!
Thanks gang for the help! I think I will let this age and just buy some for now.

Take care,
Thanks for the help there, Appleman!
I had typed the suggestion that he just age them and buy something else for the wedding and when I hit post, my internet was gone!

And whatever you do, don't toss it!
Welcome Mako. These people have given you good advice. I must ask as you have not answered this question yet unless I missed it as I find it hard to believe that the exotic fruit is not sweet. Did you add the 2nd bag after stabilizing the wine. It is a usually foil bag with a good amount of thick syrupy juice in it which is added after the wine has fermented to sweeten the wine back and add flavor.
Hi Wade, Yes, I did add that. You can smell and taste the fruit, but it's just not that sweet for a fruit wht zin. I made this one three years ago and it came out fine then. I just can't put my finger on this one?
I still have 2 bottles left from 3 years ago approx. If I remember correctly it wasnt 1 of the sweetest Mist kits but sure wasnt dry. Give it a little more time and update the post for us. I know they are not made o last and will open 1 soon and see where its at. Kind of doing an experiment now to see how long these will truly last.
Something does not seem right. Can you call me tomorrow at the store?
Mako when sanitizing with k-meta. Don't rinse just let it drip dry. It really doesn't have to be dry either.
Hi Geocorn- I will call you tomo.


Hi Swilloloqist- Thanks for the tip. I have read that the other day in a book too.