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corn field

Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
well I'm back. Finaly got moved to Corydon Iowa it is only 6 miles from where we were. Not long after we got moved I had my 6th heart attack. This time they were not able to stint the artery.
Got the winery moved later than I wanted but at least it is now up and running. Just before the move my computer died with a blaze of glory and I do mean blaze. Just got a new one this past week end. A new puter was not high on my need list.
finaly got the basement ready for wine. It is not finished yet but I am able to store wine in it.

Wines I have ageing:
Mulberry port
Key lime ( will add triple sec to it for a margarita taste)
Black berry
Black berry port
Well I for one am glad to have you back. Sorry you had another attack and hope you are doing much better now. Glad you got a computer now and can come back here to share with us.
Glad to see you back. Hope your health is improving.
Isn't wine supposed to be good for you in moderation? ;)
Good luck with the winery.
Welcome Back my friend, man with all the stuff you just listed it sounds like that would have given me a heart attack!
Hope your feelling WWWWAAAAYYYY better!
Thanks everybody. I am still kicking just not as high as before. I am feeling better and each day I am getting some of my stamina back. I guess you could say I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in. I sure missed this forum. It made me realise how helpful and suportive all of you are. Even though we have never met in person we all have become friends and suporters.
It is so nice to get back to my normal routine; Get up around 7am, dewater the dog, make coffee, watch the news while coffee brews, get first cup and check out this forum.

Sounds like your a tough son of a gun!!!

P.S. I love that morning routine.
corn field said:
It is so nice to get back to my normal routine; Get up around 7am, dewater the dog, make coffee, watch the news while coffee brews, get first cup and check out this forum.

How in the heck can anyone justify being in bed at 7am !!! My gawdd man, get outa there..Ive done had me a whole pot of coffee and watered myself several times by then !!!
I hang out on the forum a lot. I work 3 12 hour shifts and even then I have a lot of down time so I can log into the forum on my iPhone.
Well, Welcome back, Cornfield. I've been wondering about you. Glad to see you are here again. Take care of yourself!!