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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
I Can't find a price on a similar cascade rack online, it holds 180 bottles, 83" tall (6' 9"), 12" wide, 52" wide( 4" 3").
It seems like a great price, any thoughts?

wine rack.jpg
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Sweet, its a done deal......now if I can just convince my wife that letting me put it in the living room is much cheaper than divorcing me...lol....
Very cool! Thanks for the info, it has been confirmed, it is mine!! WOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHOOO!
Very nice. Almost as good as my infamous Craigslist find of a few years ago. 320 bottle wineracks.com rack for $80. MSRP was like $900! :db
Here is mine from a few years back, looks like a close match to yours and I am always looking for more like it on CL. Good Score Tom!

Good Find.... CL? Let me know if you need help moving it.. I'll bring my truck. Just can't guarantee the truck won't steer it back to my place.. :tz
Seriously though... If U need help moving it let me know. I do get a day off here and there.
Thanks Tim, I'll give you a call.
Steve, I'm just waiting on the call to go and pick it up!