How many gallons do you make a year?

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Senior Member
Oct 22, 2010
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How many gallons do you make a year?

Personally I can't see myself making more than 30.

I'm not a huge drinker, nor is anyone in my family.
Currently 36 gallons in carboys..... I'm slipping I guess.

You don't need to be a big drinker. Just a big thinker.
How many gallons do you make a year?

Personally I can't see myself making more than 30.

I'm not a huge drinker, nor is anyone in my family.

I make the MAX by law, that is 200 gallons or 1,000 bottles
never more than 200 gallons.

(actually, i wish i were anywhere close to that. LOL.)
Currently in carboys about 70 gallons. Sitting on the shelf about 6-7 cases in bottles. I have officially surpassed my first year of wine making. All total since I started last October, I've made about 120-140 gallons.
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Including what I have sitting in carboys, 140 gallons this year.
~60 gallons so far. I'll prolly start another 18-24 or so before years end. Goal is an average of approx 90 - 100 for the next 3 to 5 years. I might back off a bit after that. Depends on how many bottles a year I can drink! ;-)

90 gallons is 450 bottles. The two of us will have to focus to get through that much.
FTC Wines

I have 58 gals. under air lock & 26 gals. ageing. I keep my wine under airlock at least 6 months. Then bulk bottle for at least another 6 months. Trying to get to a bottle a day! It keeps the Dr. away!
Right now what I have is:

28 gallons wine in secodary
5 gallons beer in secondary
5 gallons beer in primary

Being this is November this is what I have done this year:

20 gallons beer
65 gallons Skeeter pee using slurries and not
18 galloons White Zin
6 gallons exotic fruits white zin ...EECH
5 gallons peach apricot chardonney
5 gallons green apple reisling
6 gallons blueberry melomel

Thanks for asking as I now know I need to increae my pallette somewhat.:i
I upped production this year to about 1000 gallons - not much, but hey I have to begin somewhere. Next year I'm hoping for 2-3000 gallons. The last few years I had 200 gallons each year.
i am at about 1200 and i expect to stay right there for a while...any increase after that will be initially for one purpose to be able to hold back some wines to release at later dates

hey Rich, best of luck w your numbers...lot of work eh?
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you wantto hear something funny..since you asked if we are having fun...we just got a call from a customer who bought a case last month...begging us to let her come by...the call was at 8:45 pm....she was having a get together and had to have *our* took some house guests over to meet up and open the winery...she just spent over three hundred 9pm!!!! what a business :)
Thats GREAT !
Now how did she get your HOME ph # ?
Tom, some where along the time my house add and tel number got put on a few things since that is where paperwork gets day this summer my daughter called me and asked why we had a small fleet of mototcycles in the house driveway...turns out some folks from CR drove up for a tasting and that is that is the address they had...the good news is the winery is about 3-400 feet from our address
well from my limited list it would be the Mirabella or the Cenare...the lady that came tonite bought 14 bottles and half of it was these two
Al, thats awesome! Nothing like an emergency when you want what you want and somebody is willing to bend for them like that even though its in your best interest. Soe people nowadays would be like, sorry the doors shut and alarms on and its to much trouble to reverse that now!!!!!!!