Homemaker selling wine?

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Dec 30, 2012
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I have been asked about purchasing my wine. So far, I have only given mine away. However, the thought of selling the bottles just to cover the cost is intriguing. What are the laws in doing this? I live in Florida.
It is illegal to sell without a license. Check with you state on how to obtain a license.
it's simple. Don't do it :w
Federal law prohibits home made wine to be sold or used for barter in any way.
Here in Indiana you will need your Federal licences, State licences, Bond, and your FDA seal. I would assume most states are about the same.
Put it under the back seat of your car and out-run the police, just like moonshiners in the past!

No, really...don't sell it. You will go to jail.
jrvernon, check with your state authority. Here in Ohio this is what we have:

A-2 Manufacturer of Wine​
ORC 4303.03

Issued to a manufacturer to manufacture wine from grapes or other fruits; to import and purchase
wine in bond for blending purposes, the total amount of wine so imported during the year
covered by the permit not to exceed forty per cent of all the wine manufactured and imported; to
manufacture, purchase, and import brandy for fortifying purposes; and to sell those products
either in glass or container for consumption on the premises where manufactured, for home use,
and to retail and wholesale permit holders under the rules adopted by the division.​
The fee for this permit is $126.00 for each plant to which this permit is issued.
State laws are one thing and vary a lot. All need to be licensed and bonded at the federal level.
I would like to make some for weddings. They pay for kits and I keep a few bottles. They would probably get a better wine than the would buy a good bit cheaper. I guess that would be illegal also as I would be making the wine for a financial gain.

If I did do that, I don't think I would tell the authorities.
I would like to make some for weddings. They pay for kits and I keep a few bottles. They would probably get a better wine than the would buy a good bit cheaper. I guess that would be illegal also as I would be making the wine for a financial gain.

If I did do that, I don't think I would tell the authorities.

Whether you tell the authorities or not it is still illegal.
For doing this good deed, maybe they will give you an unexpected gift of a new wine kit or that extra carboy you always wanted.

Just remember to act surprised, "You guys, you shouldn't have. That was totally unnecessary. I don't know what to say." wink, wink wish I had friends like that wink wink

I know someone who runs a meat processing gig, they got a taste of my wine and tried to get me to let them sell it in their place. Not only no but heck no. Matter of fact I now make sure they only get a couple bottles once in a while t keep them from selling it and getting me in trouble. Not worth the problems.

I'll make my 200 gallons a year, drink what I want to, give away to family and the closest of friends and the est can buy their own in the store. Lol
I know someone who runs a meat processing gig, they got a taste of my wine and tried to get me to let them sell it in their place. Not only no but heck no. Matter of fact I now make sure they only get a couple bottles once in a while t keep them from selling it and getting me in trouble. Not worth the problems.

I'll make my 200 gallons a year, drink what I want to, give away to family and the closest of friends and the est can buy their own in the store. Lol

You do know that if there is only 1 adult in the home you can only make 100 gallons a calender year?
I used the wrong smiley. I meant to use this one. :D

Oh and if I could not make any, I'd still keep her around. Been married almost 28 years. Love her more today that the day we married.