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Dec 3, 2009
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New to your site, new to wine making, so it's all a bit overwhelming, we made our first wine kit and one of the kids put in an extra 4 liters of water and we dont know what to do. The wine is fermenting away like crazy for the last few days, will it be ok
It will help to know what kit this is. It will work fine but may be a thinner wine then what is what supposed to be and be less alc also. You could add around 1 1/2 lbs of dissolved sugar to boost that back up.
Thank you,
The kit is a Pinot Grigio 5 day kit by Cantina. Don' know if you get it there.
Welcome aboard! How many liters was the kit to start with? How much water were you supposed to add?
Makes 21 Liters in total, 5 liters of grape juice and add water to make total of 21l. We added 20 lts instead of 15lts
Goodfella said:
What do you guys think about adding some grape juice concentrate?

No. Its a small kit most allow for some variation adding sugar would be the way I'd go.
I dont know, thats a lot of water and a grape concentrate like welches or something might be a better idea like a frozen concentrate. It may require a few to get the abv back up to where it should have been and your going to need a bigger vessel to put this in now. This was designed for a 5 gallon carboy but youll probably need a 6 gallon nowwhich is 23 liters.
Keep in mind this is a Pinot Grigio. You don't want a red concentrate in it and you don't want a Niagra based Welch's concentrate either. If you were going to add some concentrate, go with a couple bottles of the concentrate sold at wine supply stores like this one

This will put body back in it. So this is a 5 DAY kit? Nobody asked about that- should that have read a 5 week kit? If 5 days it isn't going to be very good or clear anyways so I wouldn't fret about it too much. Make it up and move on. Chalk it up to learning fees.......
I think this is the kit:

"The Cantina range of wine kits contains 5 litres of concentrated grape
juice which means no aditional sugar is needed to make 30 bottles of
wine. Using a special strain of yeast, these wine kits ferment in
around 5 days, clear in 2 days and are ready to drink immediately. In
practice these quick and easy to make wines improve if left for a few
months to mature."

This kit costs 30 pounds or about $50. I think I would add the concentrate noted above by appleman as a first choice. As a second choice, I would add sugar. As a third choice, I would leave it as is and move on knowing that my next wine will be better.
Thanks Guys, Had kind of decided to chalk it up 2 experience, the nearest place to get concentrate is about 50 miles away and with today Sunday, Monday dont open and Tuesday a holy day no chance till Wed.
The wine is due to have stabiliser and 2 lots of finings added to day(Rack off, Stabaliser then Stir Co2, 2 - 3 times, then first finings Stir leave for 3 hrs, stir or shake for 15 seconds add second finings, leave for a day rack off again. Stir again for Co2 then bottle)
So I think will go ahead with it the reading on the hydrometer seemed ok. Will let you know how it turns out.
You could add the hold off on the fining agent a few days and use the grape concentrate as appleman said which I agree would be your best bet(and didnt think of at the time) and add the fining agent after getting that. A few more days will not hurt anything and will only help at this stage.
OK - how about make a second kit but leave it short 4 liters of water - then blend them together at the end?
Wayne said:
OK - how about make a second kit but leave it short 4 liters of water - then blend them together at the end?

well gee that's too easy
Would it throw the SG off too much so the yeast might have difficulty fermenting it?
The Lalvin EC-1118 that comes with most kits is pretty tolerant of alcohol. Leaving out 4 L should not be a big enough change to be a problem.
First, welcome Siobhan!

I'm a "newbee" myself so I won't attempt to make any recommendations here. But you have come to the right place for good advice and assistance. I learn something here everytime I enter.

Again, welcome! Where in Ireland are you? Headed your way next year for a stay of about 10 days, celebrating wedding anniversary.