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smart @$$
Aug 18, 2009
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Hi , I'm Madmikes1. . Glad to be here. New to forum not new to fermenting. I make about 120 gallons of wine a year give of take 20. I make almost all grape wine with the exception of Blackberry Wine and Pear and Apple Cider. This year, if I can continue to get European grape juice from Burnaby BC will be almost all European wines. But if, a good grape juice I will just have to ferment it. BTW I dont drink, just taste. My neighbors love my hobby
Right now I have about 700 bottles in my cellar(down stairs bedroom) Oldest is 6 years old and it has survived only because it is not mine to let anyone drink. Girlfriend does claim some of the fruits of my labor
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Glad to have you here. When you get some free time tell us about yourself and wine making experiencs and also please fill in your location under User CP.

you don't drink and you have 700 bottles?

good grief!

I didnt include , I am a damn good wine maker, started making wine with Grandfather at age 8. I do taste but I am a loosy drunk so I dont get drunk
I dont drink wine to get drunk. I have 1 maybe 2 glasses about every other day just to relax, are you telling me you dont sit down ever and have a gss of your passion?????????????
You make 100+ gallons a year, you have 700 bottles in your cellar.
I can only dream.
You make 100+ gallons a year, you have 700 bottles in your cellar.
I can only dream.

party at mikes place..!

( where is steve? ( madriver) he's usually onto a 'free tasting' moment...)

Free tasting sorta discribes my house. Beta, Idaho is close enough I may need to put a lock on wine. BTW I scored 20 gallons of frozen Chardonnay must today(last years ) and I see fermenting starting Monday,. BTW 100 is only a guess By Monday I will have 30 Gallons in fermenting and that will take me way over 100, Grapes havent even been picked yet this year.

how does Tabasco chili Wine taste and who thought that one up LOLOLOL
You make 100+ gallons a year, you have 700 bottles in your cellar.
I can only dream.

I have 1300+ in bottles 19 6-gallon carboys aging and make 200+ gallons a year. And I'm low.. haha :r
Im just a little under 1000 bottled and 38 galons either fermenting or bulk aging and more to be made. Ill take 2nd place I guess! :)
DamnI will have to buy more carboys to catch up. Damn cool to meet people who are as nuts as I am, so when do we start posting how much we spend or do we really not want to think about it.
I am approaching the 2500 mark. Lost count now. I keep finding wines I had forgotten about. Still, they are always a pleasant surprise aren't they?
I did open an old bottle of mead last night. 8 year in the bottle. I think I found heaven. :)
DamnI will have to buy more carboys to catch up. Damn cool to meet people who are as nuts as I am, so when do we start posting how much we spend or do we really not want to think about it.

SHH ! !
I don't not even want to think about it...

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