Hello from WI

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Senior Member
Sep 11, 2009
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Just found this forum, after already posting here.......

Anyway, I started with helping others in their winemaking, and got my own carboys last year so I could have some of my own.

Now, I want to try EVERYTHING!
I think I will mostly go with fruit wines (have a 5 gal batch of cherry getting ready to rack right now) but also want to try cysers and a hard lemonade.

You all are so knowledgeable and helpful.

Thanks so much for being a place that we can go to ask questions, no matter what they may be.

And thanks to moto-girl for telling me about this site!
Welcome to the fun. Look forward to some interesting recipes.
The Cherry wine sounds good. :) Can't wait to hear about the results.
The cherry wine was WONDERFUL! "Was" being the operative word here.....

I am ready to bottle some green tomato wine, and apple cyser that is ready to be racked (I spiced 2 gallons and left the rest plain so I would know what it tastes like). I have made small batches of mint and also grapefruit. I have 5 gallons of white grape/peach from concentrate, and it is clearing right now. Itching to start a kit I have as well as doing something with the elderberries i picked last fall. Looking forward to spring, and all the fruits I will be fermenting!
what recipe did you use for your cherry wine? I think that one would go over very well with my "taste testers" :)
The last batch of cherry wine was 21 gallons... so I will get it whittled down to a 5 or 6 gallon size, and get it on here. But it is at home, and I am at work right now.

I am happy to share though!
Thanks! I think that 21 gallons will be a little much for me, but 5 or 6 I can handle :)

I really apreciate it