Hello from Scotland

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Jun 20, 2015
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Hi. OK. Didnt realise the forum was so 'international '. Hello to all anyway.
I'm Mike. Moved from London to Scotland 9 months ago. 70 years young. I haven't made wine for over 40 years! But felt the urge after finding so much 'raw material' growing wild around the neighbourhood.
My only regret. I abandoned all of my Equipment, 2 house moves ago. So now have to start again from scratch! Up to date prices were quite a shock.
Thank you to all. I just hope that there isn't too much difference in terminology and/of methods. My wine making will be on an extremely small scale. Foraging locally for ingredients. Scotland can be very 'rural' in places. Plenty of opportunities abound.
One thing I do love about living up here, is the purity and quality of the water. Our kitchen kettle is 7 years old. Boiled many times throughout the day. Yet, the interior still looks as if it is brand new, straight out of the box it came in.
My first attempt will be Elderflower wine. Are you familiar with that, over there. And Gorse was recommended to me by a local wine making shop. Both growing in abundance here in Scotland.
Hey Mike! Greetings from Alabama! and YES you do have some nice water in your neck of the woods. I can tell every time I have a nice dram of my favorite scotch.
Actually. With hind site, since the forum is not as local as I had hoped it would be. I have decided to take no further part in it and therefore wish to have my membership terminated.

I hope you will understand.
Hi Goldfynche - hello and I guess goodbye... I am an ex-pat Scot now living in Upstate NY (became a US Citizen 9/11 2013) and I love to make elderflower wine. Just made a batch of elderflower and heather wine and a heather mead... Lang may yer lum reek!