Hello from New Guy in South Florida

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Nov 11, 2009
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Good Evenin Folks;
New guy to the whole home brew thing here. I currently have my first 2 batches of beer working and am turning to some wine making now. Something I have thought about a lot but never done. Never until recently I could make anything other than Bubba Red at home. There is a WORLD of stuff out there and the info and expertice on these forums is SIC!
I'll be around lurking and asking some questions, first wine kit in a couple weeks, probably from local home brew shop to get my feet wet, then off to the races.
Danny here BTW
Welcome Danny, I'm from the Tampa area. Good to have you on board.
smurfe said:
Howdy, glad to have you here. What's Bubba Red?

LOL, Bubba Red is the generic term for all of what I used to know as home made wine. I have had some that was passable, some decent, but most was on the lines of Strawberry Swill.
Like I said, until recently I had no idea that commeercial vinyard quality wine was even possible at home.
You're smarter already!!! =)

I love that "Bubba Red"name! Is there a girl version?

Welcome, Danny.