Hello from Missouri

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Dec 8, 2007
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First time wine maker who stumbled upon this forum. I look forward to spending some time in here. I bought a starter kit and some RJ Spanols Malbec for my first batch. I hope it all turns out like it should. I also got my Parents a kit, and they are making a Johannisburg Riesling (sp?). Guess we'll have a wine tasting night soon.
Welcome onin24, which series RJS Malbec did you buy? I have the Cru Select Limited Edition in Bulk aging and it is entirely awesome!
Welcome...glad you made it here.

Hope you and your parents enjoy this hobby and your wines.
Welcome to the forum, just remember the longer you wait to have that tasting party, the better your wine will be! Have Fun!
Welcome to the forum, just remember the longer you wait to have that tasting party, the better your wine will be! Have Fun!

Ah, how do you wait?
Once you make more than you can possibly drink, then the aging comes easy. Once you are up to the limit of 200 gallons a year, you should be able to set aside a few bottles now and again.
Welcome to the forum. If you have any questions or need help just post your questions here. This bunch are always willing to help. Check out the recipes for quick wines also. Don't limit yourself to the kit wines. You can make wine from frozen concentrates you buy in the grocery store like Welches. This may help you to give your kit wines to get some age on them (preferably a year) and give you something to drink in the meantime. the bottled juices work also just make sure there are no preservatives like Sorbate in them.
wade said:
Welcome onin24, which series RJS Malbec did you buy? I have the Cru Select Limited Edition in Bulk aging and it is entirely awesome!

I threw out the box, but I think it was the Cru Select Malbec, but not a limited edition.
i was born in MO KC that is. Welcome. I am fond of the RJ kits.

For quick kits the VIVO VIDA work well but i make them a 5 gal kit. keeps the flavor up less water. Also try to build up sacrficial wine for topping up after the first primary fermenter PS get ready for more kits and carboys
onin24eagle said:
wade said:
Welcome onin24, which series RJS Malbec did you buy? I have the Cru Select Limited Edition in Bulk aging and it is entirely awesome!

I threw out the box, but I think it was the Cru Select Malbec, but not a limited edition.

Correction, I found the box, and it is called Grand Cru Malbec.
hello 0nin24,welcome aboard,wine making is the best hobby out there ,enjoy don't get to frustrated,and taste,taste and taste
Same mistake I made. I figured I didn't need the box after I'd kept it for 2 months, right?
Then, 4 months later, and being that I'd unwhittinglymade mistake number 2 (not making a lable for the bottles with that info on it), I went searching for it to find thebottling dateand couldn't find it anywhere. No problem. I thought. I'll just check my notes that the kit instructions said in plain print, were so important.
Except when I finally found them 3 weeks later, I discovered that I'd made notes so brief, that they were impossible to nail down to a style let alone any actual dates for the process.
Live and learn (oh. and make better notes and lables now).


By the way. I finally found the box outside in a pile of cardboard, weathered nicely for 4 months. Got some pics and created some labels but I still don't know the bottling date other than the month.
Onin and Hman,

Enjoyed this thread. The inadequted notes thing keeps coming back to haunt (us)! Been there am likely to be back!

On the dating of wine, there are a number of posts relating to that on
this forum but I have decided I am going to date my wines by the date I
pitch the yeast not the date I bottle. I seems to me that we in this
hobby are not aging our stuff very long - often months, sometimes a
year of two, but rarely longer. So, I am using the month of yeast pitch
for the date on the bottle.