Hello from Frozen Wisconsin

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Junior Member
Mar 6, 2014
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Hello everyone! Over the past four months I have read many, many, posts on WMT. I have finally decided to join in on the fun. I love drinking wine and found that sometimes I drink more than I can afford to buy, so I decided I was going to give this winemaking thing a whirl! Oh boy, I am hooked! My husband bought me a wine making kit for Christmas and I have bottled two wines, one a Vintner's Reserve Pinot Noir kit and of course I had to try Dave's DB. I currently have a Selection Special Riesling Ice Wine clearing, the World Vineyard German Muller Thurgau in secondary, and a Selection Original California Chardonnay in the primary.

I have taste tested a few bottles of the Pinot Noir and the DB already, because obviously I am having a hard time waiting for them to age. I must say, they taste fabulous!!! My friends and family agree and are looking forward to all the future bottles that will be shared. I think I will be getting more joy out of sharing than I will from drinking it myself.....well maybe not:se

Oh did I mention I have a Selection Special Chocolate Orange Port sitting in my closet, patiently waiting for the primary fermentation bucket to open up. Oh boy, I think I have a problem....

Anyway, thanks for all the advice I have received already prior to joining!
welcome Margo, the chocolate orange port does sound yummy welcome to hurry up and wait:D
Welcome to WMT Margo. Sounds like you're already in need of some more primary pails!
Margo, welcome from another cheesehead. WI seems to be well represented here.
Hello! Another Wisconsinite here. I'm living in Illinois... but I will always be from Wisconsin. Grew up on the southern end (Lake Geneva) and went to school in La Crosse.

Maybe Wisconsinites are a bunch of winos :)