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Dec 29, 2012
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Hi everyone,
I have been brewing beer for years now and about 7 months ago decided to have a crack at making wine (my Dad was interested in it for a long time).
He gave me a wine making book that he got in England oh... 40 years ago by Mr C.J Berry.
I read enough of the book believing I had enough info to get started... Well, as it turns out I made a classic mistake of adding too much lemon and lime juice (a yeast nutrient) and the acid levels ended up being a lot more than the book recommended, thankfully I have figured out how to lower the levels but I believe I should have picked that mistake up earlier... Oh well, beginners stupidity.
I am keen to learn more of this art as I am enjoying my ups and downs with my first batch. It may not ever be my best batch, but it most certainly will always be the one that taught me the most!

Anyway, it is great to be apart of this wine making community and it feels so much better to have experienced people help you out ;) I AM NOT ALONE!!!
Beer is way too easy to make, wine is a far more rewarding process!

I hope to get to know you all!
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Welcome aboard! This is the perfect place to get all the help you can need, and make some awesome friends in the mean time!
Welcome weaverofmusic. Winemaking has been very rewarding for me and this forum has really helped. I tried brewing beer once and really messed up the hops and it turned out bitter. I might try again soon.

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