First pee

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Is it dry? You can add your stabilizers and then top with the sweetener of your choice... some lemonade and fruit juice... whatevery direction you are going with it.
You DO need to keep it topped up. Any white wine would do as well. It won't add that much flavor.

I always make some extra---like 5.5 gallons---if I am making a five gallon batch. That way, you can leave some behind with the sediment and still fill up your carboy. If I have extra left over, I put it in a jar or something and keep it on the side for topping after racking later. I have two 6.5 gallon carboys I'm going to use with my next few batches (tomorrow), so I'll be mixing up about seven gallons in the fermentor ( to the very top, lol).

Or, like they said, top it off with something wine-like (besides water). But do keep it near the top (within 2"). If it's done fermenting, the wine will not be producing the protective banket of CO2 that it had in the primary. You do not want the air getting to it. Bung it, lock it, and let it sit.

One of the things I did not use in my Easy Peesy Recipe was peptic enzyme. I have had some problems with my batches clearing properly. My next two batches will have the enzyme added. I think the pectin from the added fruit has been the problem. Conversely, my very first batch of triple berry Skeeter Pee (no peptic enzyme) cleared perfectly in short order.

Motor on, jojo!
AS we pee, lets not forget our buddy Lon who invented thid infamous pee.

Here is the official site:

I may have been one of the very first ones to "tweak" the pee.

I usually make it according to the original recipe, but, I substitute some of the water with a frozen juice concentrate.

If I can get the initial SG uo to about 1.12 or so, and I use a starter, I can get it to ferment out.

If you are going to try for that much alcohol content use champagne yeast or prmier cuvee, they can handle alcohol levels to that high.

Most of us can,,,,,most of the time.

The above link proves I am on the official sight. I'm the bloke in the Wisconsin hoodie. LOL

So if you have to pee, make sure you dont overfill the bucket, or just step outside like the rest of us?

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Thanks for the advice danger.The next batch i make i will set aside some extra for racking. Do you have any experience with splash racking at all or any suggestions on filtering the sediment in the first racking? I ended up with a LOT of sediment in my secondary and i am watching some pile up while this wine clears. I did use a pectic enzyme and the fruit broke down to almost nothing in the primary which i'm sure accounts for a lot of the sediment. As for this batch i topped it up with wine for now and i hope it doesnt hurt the flavor much. Next batch i will make extra so i can enjoy my pee at full strength!
The first Pee I made, I used a mix of berries (blueberry, raspberry, blackberry). I did not disturb the fruit prior to fermentation---just dumped it in---and it all held together well, so there was not much "junk" when I moved it to the secondary. The Pee came out beautiful, with a nice deep berry flavor. I then made some strawberry, which, being a softer fruit, turned to mush during primary fermentation. It took several rankings for all of the strawberry left-overs to settle out. This batch also lacked much strawberry flavor in the end, so I ended up adding strawberry extract when I sweetened, and it ended up being my wifes favorate. She's got me starting some more tomorrow!

I have to say I am still experimenting myself, finding what works well for me, given other peoples experiences. Let me grace you with a few pictures...I like pictures...hope you don't mind me hyjacking your thread with my pics...this was my first Pee (triple berry)...

Here's how I vacuum rack/degas mine...the vacuum pump it awesome! This was the strawberry...
Very pretty color! I usually leave plenty of juice with the solids to give it a boost of flavor!

That first batch did turn out a very nice color.......mine looks like it will be similar when it clears(i hope) . i think my next round of fruit wine i may try and filter the sediment out in the first racking and see how that goes. I'm tryin to muddle my way through all this. Hey the funs only half in drinkin it right??:i
I'm have a redux on the Strawberry and the Triple Berry. Got them started the other day. I modified the recipe to make a slightly larger batch (6.5 gallons) and added pectic enzyme (along with the other ingrediants) to the must 24 hour before pitching the yeast.

We will see! I love this hobby!
I have a question about:
Allow the Pee to ferment dry and for fermentation to stop (SG between 0.998 and 0.995). Rack into a clean, sanitized carboy.

My first pee (first ever batch of anything) has been at SG 1.00 for at least 2 weeks. It's still bubbling about a half minute apart. When it says "fermentation to stop", does that mean stop bubbling or does it mean SG is not moving. Just need to know when to sweeten and clear. Maybe I need to have more patience......
If you are below 1.000 and there is no change for 3 days... it is done. I never rush it that fast. Once you have determined it has finished fermenting, you can stabilize.

JoJo, if you didn't on this batch, use a ferment bag of some sort when using fruits, or etc.

Some in here use pantyhose(nylon!!!!!!), or a paint straining bag, also be sure to use nylon. These are cheap at your local hardware store. It will keep the fruit,or whatever contained. Be sure to press it under the must a couple times a day.

Using a ferment bag will also help keep alot of the setiment from falling to the bottem as you wont have as much solid matter floating around.

And, if you want to add solid fruit, add Pectic Enzyme before you pitch the yeast. Follow the maufacturers direction,on the pectin e. You will find it really makes a difference.

This will really help break it down and further help to reduce the amount of sediment(lees) you have mentioned.

Best of luck.
I don't use a bag with my Skeeter Pees (yes, I do have one). I just dump the fruit and it's juice right in the primary with the rest of the ingredients. I like to have full fruit contact with my yeast! :)
I don't use bags at all anymore. In the morning of the day I'm going to take the fruit off... I just use a 2cup pyrex and scoop off the dry cap.

Well i racked the pee again to get it off the 1 inch of sediment in the carboy and i of course pulled a sample :) It is very dry as it sits now but i added a tablespoon of sugar into approx 1/2 cup pee and it tastes great. The berry flavor is still hiding a bit and im hoping with age that will change. Does anyone have any suggestions on backsweetening process? Should i just calculate how much sugar i want to add and funnel it right on top? Dump my sugar into a new carboy and rack the pee on top of it? Any advice would be welcome? :u
Well i racked the pee again to get it off the 1 inch of sediment in the carboy and i of course pulled a sample :) It is very dry as it sits now but i added a tablespoon of sugar into approx 1/2 cup pee and it tastes great. The berry flavor is still hiding a bit and im hoping with age that will change. Does anyone have any suggestions on backsweetening process? Should i just calculate how much sugar i want to add and funnel it right on top? Dump my sugar into a new carboy and rack the pee on top of it? Any advice would be welcome? :u

You can add granulated sugar then stir. Be sure you've degassed really well though. If your wine is gassy, the sugar granules will release the CO2 quickly and you could end up with a coke & mentos experience.
Yes, what Lon said!

I usually add four cups of granulated sugar up from, stir THOROUGHLY, then taste (add more to taste). Leave it a little tart, though, because the sweet will come forward as it sits. I have added flavoring to mine on occasion---when the fruit flavor was not strong enough. I just bottled my Jet Blue Raspberry Skeeter Pee yesterday. I've been looking forward to this one. It was fermented with wild blueberries in the primary, and I added a one once bottle of Watkin's raspberry flavoring at sweetening time. It came out great! My favorate so far.
Question Dave

4 cups of sugar to 5 gallons? What SG does that give you? I noted Lon suggests 6 cups.....
My suggestion is that you sweeten to your own tastes. Some like it sweeter than others. If you plan to serve it very cold, be sure to have it at that temp during sweetening so that you can accurately judge the flavor impact.
4 cups of sugar to 5 gallons? What SG does that give you? I noted Lon suggests 6 cups.....

I start with 4 cups (per five gallons) and work from there. Most of the batches I make end there, too---or with just a little more. As I've said, we like it tart at my house. Sweeten it to taste, but remember before you start, you can't take sugar back out. Start with a little and work towards what you like. Since you have yours in gallon jugs, it should be easy when it's ready. Flavor one gallon to taste. Start with, say, one cup in a gallon.

It's got to stop fermenting first, though. Back-sweetening will be after stabilizing, fining and clearing. That's weeks from now. Just follow the recipe from here on out, you'll be fine. Now you wait.:re
I thought my pee was stable. I added my sugar and it started to bubble a little in the airlock. Should i do something to stop it?