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Chronologically Gifted Member
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Jan 29, 2011
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Central Ohio
Is anyone out there making one of the white wines FWK kits employing the new process involving the use of charcoal to reduce the dark color of the juice? If so, how far into the process are you and what has been your experience? The instructions state that bentonite, contained in packet A, will remove the charcoal from the wine during the 14-day period that the wine is in a sealed container and under air lock. Has anyone reached that point with his wine?

Thank you.
Is anyone out there making one of the white wines FWK kits employing the new process involving the use of charcoal to reduce the dark color of the juice? If so, how far into the process are you and what has been your experience? The instructions state that bentonite, contained in packet A, will remove the charcoal from the wine during the 14-day period that the wine is in a sealed container and under air lock. Has anyone reached that point with his wine?

Thank you.
What’s with the charcoal? What’s the purpose? Just asking.,
Not yet but will in the next few days as I'm just now doing the starter. I have two Sauvignon Blanc kits.
Thank you for your reply, Heatherd. I am making the Muscat (I use Muscat in a blend with Zinfandel) and I now have the wine in a plastic carboy under air lock. I did this instead of sealing the fermenter with an airlock and I do not think it should make a difference whether the wine is sealed in a fermenter or a carboy.

Anyway, the wine is just as black as it was when it went into the carboy, and I am going to be amazed if it somehow clears in the remaining 12 days of the 14-day period. I have communicated with Matteo, and he assures me that it will clear. I may just be a worrywart and an old dog that cannot be taught new tricks, but I am skeptical.

I will be interested in your progress with your SB. I made an SB using the original Tavola series (without the charcoal) and it turned out a beautiful golden brown. Would have been nice for an ale but not so nice as an SB.
What’s with the charcoal? What’s the purpose? Just asking.,

Yes, Joe, as noted above it is a remedy to the dark color seen in the original Tavola series whites. I made an SB which I am going to dump. It is so dark, but that is not the worst part. I probably could live with the darkness, but the taste is off also. The new white kits contain a pouch of very fine charcoal (about the consistency of copier toner, if you have ever seen that, and just as insidious) which is mixed with water in the first step before adding the concentrated juice. The starter pouch, among other things, contains bentonite which is to combine with the charcoal and clear the wine of the dark color, it says here.
Thank you for your reply, Heatherd. I am making the Muscat (I use Muscat in a blend with Zinfandel) and I now have the wine in a plastic carboy under air lock. I did this instead of sealing the fermenter with an airlock and I do not think it should make a difference whether the wine is sealed in a fermenter or a carboy.

Anyway, the wine is just as black as it was when it went into the carboy, and I am going to be amazed if it somehow clears in the remaining 12 days of the 14-day period. I have communicated with Matteo, and he assures me that it will clear. I may just be a worrywart and an old dog that cannot be taught new tricks, but I am skeptical.

I will be interested in your progress with your SB. I made an SB using the original Tavola series (without the charcoal) and it turned out a beautiful golden brown. Would have been nice for an ale but not so nice as an SB.
I've mixed them up with the charcoal and juice and water, and am currently waiting for the starter to start fermenting.
Is anyone out there making one of the white wines FWK kits employing the new process involving the use of charcoal to reduce the dark color of the juice? If so, how far into the process are you and what has been your experience? The instructions state that bentonite, contained in packet A, will remove the charcoal from the wine during the 14-day period that the wine is in a sealed container and under air lock. Has anyone reached that point with his wine?

Thank you.
Rocky is that the Third Division patch next to your name?
Is anyone out there making one of the white wines FWK kits employing the new process involving the use of charcoal to reduce the dark color of the juice? If so, how far into the process are you and what has been your experience? The instructions state that bentonite, contained in packet A, will remove the charcoal from the wine during the 14-day period that the wine is in a sealed container and under air lock. Has anyone reached that point with his wine?

Thank you.
Is anyone out there making one of the white wines FWK kits employing the new process involving the use of charcoal to reduce the dark color of the juice? If so, how far into the process are you and what has been your experience? The instructions state that bentonite, contained in packet A, will remove the charcoal from the wine during the 14-day period that the wine is in a sealed container and under air lock. Has anyone reached that point with his wine?

Thank you.
Is anyone out there making one of the white wines FWK kits employing the new process involving the use of charcoal to reduce the dark color of the juice? If so, how far into the process are you and what has been your experience? The instructions state that bentonite, contained in packet A, will remove the charcoal from the wine during the 14-day period that the wine is in a sealed container and under air lock. Has anyone reached that point with his wine?

Thank you.
I just started a Chardonnay FW kit. You add the carbon at the very start. I’m not sure how long it takes to clear, but right now it’s black.


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The instructions state that bentonite, contained in packet A, will remove the charcoal from the wine during the 14-day period that the wine is in a sealed container and under air lock. Has anyone reached that point with his wine?
Matteo tested this process -- I expect the wine will clear. Given the nature of charcoal, I expect the wine will be black until it fully clears.
Rocky is that the Third Division patch next to your name?
Yes, it is. I was in the 3ID from Feb '65 through Jan '67 stationed in Aschaffenburg, Germany. My unit was Bravo Battery, 2nd Battalion, 41st Artillery (M109, 155mm SP). I had many assignments over that period and ended running the FO section. It was one of the finest experiences of my life.
Matteo tested this process -- I expect the wine will clear. Given the nature of charcoal, I expect the wine will be black until it fully clears.
Bryan, that may well happen. It just does not look like it will at this point. I just saw Matteo's posting, above. My Muscat was at 0.999 when I moved it to the carboy, and it has been fermenting slowly ever since. I have not taken a recent SG, but I would guess it is in the 0.993-0.996 range.
Hey all!
The color will stay dark during primary fermentation and then start to settle out afterwards. All the upward pressure of the gases keeps the carbon suspended. It will eventually settle out.
Are you saying that the charcoal will remain in suspension until after degassing?
Are you saying that the charcoal will remain in suspension until after degassing?
In the instructions, it says to close it up and leave it alone until day 14. When did you move it to a carboy?
In the instructions, it says to close it up and leave it alone until day 14. When did you move it to a carboy?
I moved to the carboy at the point where it said to seal the fermenter and I have left it alone since then. I like having the wine in a carboy because I can see the color and/or the clarity. I have not de-gassed nor added C and K for clarifying.
I moved to the carboy at the point where it said to seal the fermenter and I have left it alone since then. I like having the wine in a carboy because I can see the color and/or the clarity. I have not de-gassed nor added C and K for clarifying.

Just to be clear, how many days after starting your kit?
Just to be clear, how many days after starting your kit?
I started the kit on 3-25 and completed steps 2.1 thru 2.7 that day at 5:00 PM. OSG = 1.095
I pitched the yeast on 3-26 at 6:00 PM (25 hours after starting the yeast).
I added packet C at 6:45 PM on 3-28.
SG 3-28 1.052
SG 3-29 1.022
SG 3-30 1.002
At this point I moved the wine from the fermenter to the Better Bottle carboy with an airlock.
I started the kit on 3-25 and completed steps 2.1 thru 2.7 that day at 5:00 PM. OSG = 1.095
I pitched the yeast on 3-26 at 6:00 PM (25 hours after starting the yeast).
I added packet C at 6:45 PM on 3-28.
SG 3-28 1.052
SG 3-29 1.022
SG 3-30 1.002
At this point I moved the wine from the fermenter to the Better Bottle carboy with an airlock.

Got it. You moved it early. Give it a few days. It should drop out but if it doesn’t, the clearing agents should take it out. Private message me Monday and let’s see where things stand.

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