WineXpert Eclipse German Mosel Valley Gewurztraminer vs. RJS En Primeur

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Still lost.....
Sep 25, 2012
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Eye balling a high end white wine kit.

My online retailer has the Eclipse German Mosel Valley Gewurztraminer on sale for $115 plus shipping.

The RSJ EP Riesling would cost me more. I knoiw the varietals are different but pretty much are the off-dry flavor we like in whites.

I recently made the Selection Gewurztraminer 16L kit and was surprised at the low PH around 2.97. This is in carboy clearing and bulk aging. This also took a much longer time to clear compared to a lesser kit RJS Cru Muscat 12L kit.

Anyway, would you give any advantage to either the WE Eclipse Gewurztraminer or the RJS EP Riesling?
First things first do you want 30 bottles of Riesling or Gewurzt? Those are both ultra high end kits and will produce excellent wines. I have found that all of the Eclipse whites I have made to date seem to have the same pH around 3.4 give or take a decimal or two. I notice they all seem to fall flat around halfway through dinner. If I add a sprinkle of tartaric to the glass and stir it in viola' the crispness is back as well as the zing on your palette. pH is now around 3.2-3.25. I may be tweaking the acid just a bit more to my liking on future whites.
Opposite. Higher the number the less acid. 3.2 is a lower number than 3.4 but is actually more acidic.
Mike, I don't have a Riesling in my arsenal so maybe the Riesling was going to be my option, BUT the kit on sale is the WE Eclipse Gewurztraminer.

I have the Selection Gewurztraminer 16L kit and wasn't really that impressed with the process (ph very low and taking forever to clear and still hazy a bit), so I wasn't sure about getting another Gewurztraminer would be a good idea, but wanted to take the opportunity of the sale.

I understand varietals are different and compared to a 12L Muscat from RJS, the color of the Selection Gewurztraminer is really different, I mean the Muscat is darker and seems right on the spot.

Anyway, I may be inclined with the WE Eclipse Gewurztraminer due to the sale, wonder if anyone has a picture of a bottle showing the final product?
I would go with the Eclipse Riesling since you already have the Gewurtz. I had no problems with it at all. I swapped out the supplied yeast for BA11 which is my go to yeast for whites for the most part these days.
yeah, makes sense but that Eclipse Riesling is not on sale at this place but am going to ask anyways.

Lastly, Is the WE Riesling in the same line as the Gewurtz in terms of sweetness and color?
Sweetness is all up to you. You can add the whole F-pack or none. I add at most half as I don't like my whites too sweet. Color is about the same. Taste like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think they taste a little similar but totally different if that makes any sense!
Thanks, the Riesling sounds like the option.
I never tried BA11 and their page doesn't show BA11 so not carried.

How about D47?

They have it plus QA23, 71B (may not be a good option here as I know it is good for reducing malic acid), 1118, V116, 212.
I am ready to place my order for the WE Eclipse Riesling.
It seems like this kit comes with Premier Cuve'e - Red Star Wine Yeast, the blue packet.

My supplier has other yeasts but no BA11, they carry these 2 among others, and these 2 seem like good options for a white wine:


The D47 seems to 'require' nutrients, or at least they recommend using nutrients to supplement the strain.

The QA23 seems attractive based on what I read from that link you posted.

Would you recommend one over the other if you've tried both?
I guess I could just stick with the red star that comes with the kit...thoughts?

I forgot I ran out of fermaid-k and my online place does not carry it.....grrrr
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Even if I do no other tweaks, I like to put my spin on kit wines by choosing the yeast. If you're ordering more Fermaid K from MoreWine stock up on some of the harder to find yeasts while you're at it.

Its up to you which yeast you choose. But, of the accessible yeasts you have available, MoreWine's yeast pairing guide had this to say:

• QA23: In Riesling, QA23 focuses on citrus notes and makes an elegant, fruit-focused, floral, and aromatic wine.
• ICV-D47: Elements of apple, rose and peach are brought out by D47 in a Riesling. Adds volume/mouthfeel.

I personally like both these yeasts for certain applications. D47 is wonderful in meads and battonage, and does seem to give a bit more heft on the palate. QA23 is a tough S. cervisiae bayanus yeast that can handle wide fermentation temps and low nutrient conditions. I'm using it on a Sauv Blanc right now and its a fast fermenter even at low temps. The world is your oyster. Enjoy your wine!
Riesling kit came with K1-V1116 yeast which I just pitched.

Added a bit of Elderflowers.
We'll see how it goes.

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