Dog + Wine Kit = Problems

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Oct 30, 2010
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I have only made one wine from a kit period. I love the wine better than anything I can purchase at the store for under$10, as I refuse to pay more than that for a bottle of wine. I got my second wine kit a Corucopia Strawberry White Merlot. My dog thought she wanted to help/try so she openned up a betonite and a sorbate package. I really want to make the kit so I purchased some more betonite & sorbate from the local homebrew store. Problem I am now having is I have no clue how much to add. I am unable to locate the quantity of these items anywhere on the directions and Cornucopia does not seem to have their own website, that I can locate. Any suggestions? I really don't want to toss out the kit, I just need a quantity & I'm really ready to start.
What stage are you at? The bentonite can go in before or after fermentation to help drop sediment and the sorbate should not be added until fermentation is over and you are ready to stabilize for backsweetening.
For bentonite its 2 tsps in 1/2 a cup of warm water for 15 minutes and then add. Sorbate is 1/2 tsp per gallon.
I have not started it yet. I just realized that she ate my yeast as well. I'm going back to the homebrew to get yeast.

Thank you for the info! I'm thinking about even trying to make some skeeter pee outta this. It's to cold to make beer so we have a few extra carboys for a few more months. What's the worse that could happen?
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Are you sure she didnt drink all the juice also? I think that dog is trying to ferment that kit in her belly!
Are you sure she didnt drink all the juice also? I think that dog is trying to ferment that kit in her belly!

Lol! Mine would try this with every batch if he just wasn't so short. Only being 15 inches off the ground is the bane of his existence.
I have not started it yet. I just realized that she ate my yeast as well. I'm going back to the homebrew to get yeast.

Thank you for the info! I'm thinking about even trying to make some skeeter pee outta this. It's to cold to make beer so we have a few extra carboys for a few more months. What's the worse that could happen?

I was going to post that you could start your kit now and get those ingredients for later, but now that she ate the yeast (lol!!!) I guess you have to make a trip to the shop.
Bad news, wine yeast makes dogs fart a lot, A LOT! Especially if its only a little dog ;) Crackedcork