Degas & Bottling?

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Sep 30, 2010
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I think my wine is ready to bottle. It seems very clear to me & it's over the 28 days the kit takes. A few days ago I racked it off the sediment & it splashed a bit. There's a few bubbles on the top & I've had to open the lid (it's back in the fermenter bucket instead of a carboy because my kids lost the thing to clean the carboy so I have to wait until I can get a ride to buy a new one) every day to let out the build up of gas. There were no bubbles at all in the air lock before I racked it.

Should I stir it up to try to get more gas out of it or leave it a few more days or is what it's doing normal?

Also, I was thinking of filtering it since it's a white & I've heard that it's better to filter white wines. Can I filter straight into the bottles or do I need to run the whole lot through the filter into another container & then bottle?

I think my wine is ready to bottle. It seems very clear to me & it's over the 28 days the kit takes. A few days ago I racked it off the sediment & it splashed a bit. There's a few bubbles on the top & I've had to open the lid (it's back in the fermenter bucket instead of a carboy because my kids lost the thing to clean the carboy so I have to wait until I can get a ride to buy a new one) every day to let out the build up of gas. There were no bubbles at all in the air lock before I racked it.

Should I stir it up to try to get more gas out of it or leave it a few more days or is what it's doing normal?

Also, I was thinking of filtering it since it's a white & I've heard that it's better to filter white wines. Can I filter straight into the bottles or do I need to run the whole lot through the filter into another container & then bottle?


I'm a newbie myself, but I would say:
1. Try to degas as much as possible, so give it some good stirring
2. Filter into a separate container then bottle.
3. Filter should be personal preference, personally I would not filter it because I like unfiltered wines, and some commercial white wines are unfiltered, but if your like a clearer wine, you should filter it. You can also add something like Ising glass if you want it clearer.

Just thought I'd add a couple pictures to try to give a better idea what it looks like.


You will want to move it to a carboy ASAP! So that there is less air hitting it.

Clear wise, it looks like the liquid it pretty clear, as for the redish/orangish tint, I'm not sure if its suppose to be lighter or not.
It's really hard to tell on the pictures, trough that container...and without knowing what kind of wine it is...

Also, if you degas it again, you'll have to wait a few days for the sediments to settle back again.

Like it was said, move it to the carboy ASAP!!
Get that back in a carboy and add a pinch of sulfite. Already oxygen is working on oxydizing that wine. Degass it in the carboy
Guess I'd better figure out a way to scrub the sides of my carboy, then, so I can move it back.

When you say sulfite, is sodium metabisulfite ok?

It's an Orchard Breezin Stawberry Reisling.
Guess I'd better figure out a way to scrub the sides of my carboy, then, so I can move it back.

When you say sulfite, is sodium metabisulfite ok?

It's an Orchard Breezin Stawberry Reisling.

I use potassium metabisulfite
I agree with using potassium but sodium is ok but sometimes can leave a salty taste in the wine. I also agree with getting it into the carboy ASAP!
I've moved it back to the carboy, added a pinch of sodium metabisulphite (have no potassium & no way to get any right now) & stirred it up some.

I have nothing to top it up with, though. It's a few inches below the bung & airlock.
I don't like doing this but if you have nothing else, you should add fresh water...I think it's been exposed to 02 enough as it is...
Water would be better than air...
I've moved it back to the carboy, added a pinch of sodium metabisulphite (have no potassium & no way to get any right now) & stirred it up some.

I have nothing to top it up with, though. It's a few inches below the bung & airlock.

Picture.. How much is a few inches?
Now tghis is a 6 gal kit so you either didnt add enough water or you left to much behind in rackings. I would not add water but if you have a 5gal carboy and some 1.5tlr bottles that will work.
Did you add the f-pac after you stabilized?
Yes, I did add the f-pac. I have about 1 1/2 litres of the wine that I reserved to top it up after adding the f-pac, but it hasn't had any stabilizer/clarifier added to it, so I was told I shouldn't use it? I don't have any way to buy those things until next Thursday at the earliest, either.`

Here's a picture of the space at the top of the carboy (excuse my kids' junk in the background. :) )
I would top it up with your reserve and let it sit for a couple of weeks and then filter/bottle.
Yes, I did add the f-pac. I have about 1 1/2 litres of the wine that I reserved to top it up after adding the f-pac, but it hasn't had any stabilizer/clarifier added to it, so I was told I shouldn't use it? I don't have any way to buy those things until next Thursday at the earliest, either.`

Here's a picture of the space at the top of the carboy (excuse my kids' junk in the background. :) )

That's a lot of surface area, you can't pick up a cheap bottle of white wine at the store? Or you don't have any lying around or someone you can get a bottle from?
I could probably get to a liquor store tomorrow to get a cheap bottle, if that would work.

I'm a little confused why I couldn't just bottle it, though. There was barely any sediment when I racked it to the carboy & there's no bubbles in the airlock.
Id be a little hesitant to bottle it this early but if you dont mind a possible light dusting in the bottles or plan on drinking the whole batch in the nest 2 months then bottle it. If planning on having it longer then that it will most likely still drop very fine sediment in the bottle.
It's actually several days past when the kit says to bottle, but I know the kits reccomend it a lot faster than most people here do. It says to bottle around day 28 (at day 33 now), then let stand upright for a day, then on it's side for 2-3 months before drinking. I was planning on giving it as Christmas presents, but the only time I know for sure that I can give it out is next weekend, although there will probably be one more chance at some point before Christmas.

Maybe I should top it off & leave it until Saturday to bottle? I think I'm mostly worried about the strawberry flavour getting diluted if I top it off.

I really appreciate everyone taking the time to try to help me. I feel really dumb not being able to figure all this out.
I'd say go ahead an bottle it.

Some sediment is fine, I've had expensive commercial wines that leave sediment in the glass.

I really appreciate everyone taking the time to try to help me. I feel really dumb not being able to figure all this out.
>>Dont feel dumb, there is not really one right way to do this, even if you get on step slight;y "wrong" or not do it the same way a Bordeaux first growth will do it doesn't mean the batch won't turn out good, plus you'll get better with practice.

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