Damn you Gustav:

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Senior Member
Jun 21, 2008
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My house lost power during the storm on Monday and did not come back until Friday. My dilemma, if there is one, is that I have 6 gallons of blueberry that has been stabilized and degassed, 1 gallon of tomato wine, racked twice fairly stable (no active fermenting), 1 gallon blackberry melomel never been racked and still fermenting, and 1 gallon of peach that I have also stabilized. I'm worrried about how the temp will effect what wines I have. I am guessing that the house temps got up to the low 90's during the day, and probably dropped to the upper 70's low 80's during the night. Should I worry about these? Or just continue to process them as scheduled? Edited by: gaudet
Those are high temps but I think theyll be fine. The bigger the batch the better it will have survived.
Hopefully you will be fine. The best wines I have made to date sat for close to 3 weeks without power up the road from you here in Gonzales with temps over 90 every day after Katrina and Rita. One of those wines, the Amarone was well received at the last Winestock. The Rosso Fortissimo (which BTW I just found 2 bottles of
)IMHO was an even better wine. If fermentation is done you shouldn't have an issue. You might keep an eye on the SG of the fermenting wines but they probably fermented out fine.
I hesitate to even post based on the current predictions. I don't know if a Hurricane Party is in order....as they say....or if we get one drop of rain as we did with Katrina and Rita and now Gustav. Hurricanes are so unpredictable that it amounts to wait and see. Although, we are in the line of fire and on target for the weekend. We Shall See !!!!

As far as house temps go......I might be the experiment that will give you a decent answer. I have a Gewurtztraminer, a JMAO Mead, and a Brew House Beer going. Since being in this house I have experienced nothing but tropical temps...in the house...and I am hoping that the fluid volumes will not be effected...I will let you know. This has been a trying summer in a new house....with obvious insulation problems.

Sultry in Houston......RamonaEdited by: rgecaprock
My prayers are with you and all in Houston, though I think you guys will get a lot of tropical winds, I'm hoping that it goes further south for you all. Hope they still have the Renaissance this season, we might have to take the trip.....
It is hard to take it seriously sometimes as the hype is so elevated that it is hard to know what to do. We left town during Rita and made a drive that would take 5 hours normally, that ended up taking 15 hours.......and not one drop of rain and no wind damage. Will keep my eye on the Gulf and stock up.....including vino....!!!!

A few pics I took at workwith my Blackberry when the storm came rolling in. I live 20 miles south of work and winds and damage was a lot worse there. The south and centralpart of Baton Rouge was pretty tore up though. These pics are on the far south side of the metro.

Ramona, just have a plan of action if the thing turns and comes straight at ya. It all depends on where it hits and if you are on the east or west side of it. It looks right now that you will be on the east side which is the crappy side to be. Just be careful and be prepared. I wouldn't bug out yet but just be ready to when there is a more definite forecast in the next couple days.






All of you in harms way take heed of what officials say to do...they may not allways be correct....but better to be safe and inconvenienced than hurt.

I am sure the gas, trip, hotels and traffic jams are unbearable....but what are your choices???

I watch the news and Weather Channel all the time and worry about all the folks in harms way.....

Be safe our friends in the South...Our thoughts and prayer are with you.....
And...please check in when you are safe an able.

Ramona, take the easy way out and leave now. Drive to Dallas and stay with George!
It would be impossible to leave now. My boss wouldn't go for that. And forget being on the road at the last minute after what happened with Rita. (traffic jam for 15 hours).

One thing though, I live on the NW side of town now so that is a plus. I'm just hoping for the best. We are staying put this time.

Thanks for your concern everyone.
Be safe my friend....You will be our our thoughts and prayers.

Get lots of wine, food ice and water, ....fill all your large pots with water and your bath tub for flushing the toilet....Geee...I am sure you know all the tricks for survival, more so than us.

As for your insulation problem with your house. I believe that if somehow you put some insulation in the attic, ceiling, crawlspace or what ever is above your ceiling it will make a world of difference.

Do you have a flat roof or a gable roof???

If a gable roof somewhere in your house...usually in a closet there might be an inspection door that goes up to your attic??? Check that out.

It won't take a whole lot of insulation, more is better. You can get loose fiberglass or another loose bagged products and most building supply stores will rent or loan you a blower. Or if there is enough head room you can roll out fiberglass batts. It is not a huge investment, but will make a world of difference. I don't think you need to insulate your walls as the main concern for you would be the high summer sun beating on the roof. I think you can get a tax credit on your income tax for insulation too....it's an energy saving thing....something to think about.

Good luck my dear.....we love you!!!!
Thank you NW, for the great advice. We are planning on insulating by next spring. I am looking foward to fall and winter this year although I got used to the heat and actually spend more time outside than inside. I'm having company in from Baltimore this weekend too. She is from Houston and knows how these hurricanes are, should be interesting this weekend even if we don't get a direct hit. Lots of rain and wind.
