Craazzzy idea...

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Nov 27, 2012
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I love all natural foods n fruits! I'm a pro boxer and my coach (Roy Jones, Sr) is very organic in
Nature as far as overall
Health. He believes, like me, that eating good fruits and vegetables is best for the body. Anyway, his favorite vegetable is garlic. I use it for everything, cooking raw eating, etc. I was thinking about making a garlic wine. I'm trying to think of what the taste may be. What do u think?? Sweet or dry...or yuck! Lol
I gotta go with yuck on that one. But then, I may be wrong. But then, I doubt it.
I do not know how it would work with wine, but my favorite is garlic wrapped in tinfoil and baked in the oven until its soft like butter. When cooked low and slow, the garlic has a rich sweet caramelized flavor that is great on toasted semolina bread. Maybe you could bake some garlic to get rid of the harsh fresh garlic taste and even add some toasted oak to give it some richness.
I'm def going for the cooking wine!! It may turn out very well after a year or so. I'm gonna try it!! U guys ever heard of wine called "Saki"?
I am a fan of Roy Jones Jr. but I would NEVER even consider garlic for a wine. Unless he was beating on me until I drank it!
I think if you look, you will find some recipes for garlic wine. Let us know how it turns out.
I've been thinking of making a gallon of garlic wine for cooking, but haven't done so yet. The one bit of important advice I've gotten from those who have made it is make sure you don't ferment it in the house unless you want it to smell like garlic for a while.

Look, I love garlic too. I do no think a vampire can get within a mile of me.

My advise is to make some garlic infused olive oil to cook with. Wine, in itself is very healthy and compliments the taste if good garlic.

Just stop and think, If garlic wine was even possible, don't you think that the Itialians would be exporting it by the tanker load?

I think you would be better off adding wine to your garlic then garlic to your wine!.
I have made Garlic wine twice. Each batch was 5 gallons. It is incredible for cooking! I make mine as dry as possible. I like to use it to marinate steaks and even burgers. I never would drink it but I admit to tasting it once in a while.

I bet it would be great for cooking and marinating foods. Is the aroma strong??
My first batch was not real strong so I corrected that on the second batch. It is still in the carboy clearing and yes it has a very strong aroma. Smells great and makes me hungry when I smell it.
Ok I am heading for Italian restaurant now. Here is my though.... If the Italians arent doing it, and you know they tried it somewhere alone the line, it probably is not a great idea
Would you ever be able to get the smell out of the primary? Or secondary for that matter? I've heard some horror stories of wines people tried and they left a smell behind that gt into the next batch they made.
Would you ever be able to get the smell out of the primary? Or secondary for that matter? I've heard some horror stories of wines people tried and they left a smell behind that gt into the next batch they made.
No, You cannot get rid of the odor in the primary (Plastic Bucket) Yes it is no problem to get rid of the odor in the glass carboy. I have one primary, clearly identified, that I use for my cooking wines, Garlic, Jalapeno or Vadalia Onion wines. It is never used for anything else.
Folks you are missing a few of the most important fact that Pjd is not telling you;

1. He never had a problem with fruit flies in the house.

2. He is never bitten by a mosquito

3. He has no vampires in his basement

He conned his beautiful wife into marrying him before making this stuff
Folks you are missing a few of the most important fact that Pjd is not telling you;

1. He never had a problem with fruit flies in the house.

2. He is never bitten by a mosquito

3. He has no vampires in his basement

He conned his beautiful wife into marrying him before making this stuff
That is funny Dan!