Cork storage

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Apr 26, 2007
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I plan on buying a bag of 1000 corks. I will be using 500 in the next week or so. Plan on the other 500 in April. What is the proper way to store them.
Take a 5 gallon bucket, place a bottle of kmeta in the center and pour corks around bottle and seal.

5 gal. seems a little extreme. I would assume a 1 or 2 gal. bucket would suffice.
I guess I should clarify, it seems extreme for up to a few hundred corks. I am sure a 1000 may need it.

Also, what ratio of water to kmeta are you using and I assume the bottle has it's top left basically like a bucket in a bucket?
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I use a 6 Gallon bucket that came with a MM AJ Kit years ago and you can not get 1000 corks into it by any means and have room for a quart milk container in the middle filled with standard KMETA sanitizing solution (without a top) You can only go as high as the milk carton before you risk your corks tumbling down and into the open milk carton. I split them up into (2) 6G buckets with ~500 each.
I use a 6 Gallon bucket that came with a MM AJ Kit years ago and you can not get 1000 corks into it by any means and have room for a quart milk container in the middle filled with standard KMETA sanitizing solution (without a top) You can only go as high as the milk carton before you risk your corks tumbling down and into the open milk carton. I split them up into (2) 6G buckets with ~500 each.

You can use a wine bottle - the corks won't fall into that. Now if I only had an empty wine bottle laying around...
Not a bad idea but I like a little bigger opening on the end for the SO2 to get out. Need to a find a plastic cylinder about 18" tall and 3-4" in diameter so you could pile the corks higher in the bucker without worry.

You can use a wine bottle - the corks won't fall into that. Now if I only had an empty wine bottle laying around...
Not a bad idea but I like a little bigger opening on the end for the SO2 to get out. Need to a find a plastic cylinder about 18" tall and 3-4" in diameter so you could pile the corks higher in the bucker without worry.

How about wrapping the bottle neck with cheesecloth. Would that solve the problem?
I use a 6 Gallon bucket that came with a MM AJ Kit years ago and you can not get 1000 corks into it by any means and have room for a quart milk container in the middle filled with standard KMETA sanitizing solution (without a top) You can only go as high as the milk carton before you risk your corks tumbling down and into the open milk carton. I split them up into (2) 6G buckets with ~500 each.

Makes sense.

What is the "standard KMETA sanitizing solution"? I don't use kmeta for sanitizing.

Also, is there a time limit (days/months) on how long you can leave those corks in there?............before they may dry out and become not useful.
50gms KMETA in 1G water.

The KMETA solution in a sealed container keeps the humidity pretty high in the bucket as long as its sealed. I have had corks as long as two years old stored in one and while they do start to get a little harder or less pliable but they still seem to insert and seal OK.

What is the "standard KMETA sanitizing solution"? I don't use kmeta for sanitizing.

Also, is there a time limit (days/months) on how long you can leave those corks in there?............before they may dry out and become not useful.
50gms KMETA in 1G water.

The KMETA solution in a sealed container keeps the humidity pretty high in the bucket as long as its sealed. I have had corks as long as two years old stored in one and while they do start to get a little harder or less pliable but they still seem to insert and seal OK.

Good to know, thanks.
Ok, last thing, how often do you need to change out the kmeta solution, ie: make a new batch? or does it last indefinitely?
5 gal. seems a little extreme. I would assume a 1 or 2 gal. bucket would suffice.
I guess I should clarify, it seems extreme for up to a few hundred corks. I am sure a 1000 may need it.

Also, what ratio of water to kmeta are you using and I assume the bottle has it's top left basically like a bucket in a bucket?

I got 2, they hold just over 500 each. :ft
I use a 6 Gallon bucket that came with a MM AJ Kit years ago and you can not get 1000 corks into it by any means and have room for a quart milk container in the middle filled with standard KMETA sanitizing solution (without a top) You can only go as high as the milk carton before you risk your corks tumbling down and into the open milk carton. I split them up into (2) 6G buckets with ~500 each.

Not a bad idea, plastic pvc capped at one end. Then you count have it as high as needed.