Cleaning Equipment

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Aug 26, 2006
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I am at a bit of odds as to sanitizing my equipment. I have read the directions and follow them making one gallon of cleaning solution, normally in a fermentor or carboy. Which leads to pouring the solution onto the equipment, i.e. wine thief and hydrometer. Last night in cleaning I tried using a 5 gallon solution of bleach water in order to soak everything.

Has anyone have any ideas which might be better? I am thinking of trying a long roasting pan to make the cleaning solution so I might be able to soak the equipment better.

Or am I making a big deal out of trying to sterilize this stuff?
I bought a plastic storage box at Wally World EdGy that works great for me. It is about 48" long x 24" wide x 6" deep. I justpourmy sanitizer ( Sodium Metabisulphite)into it, addmy equipment I am needing to sanitize and when finished, I pour the sanitizer back into its storage container.A word of caution, if using bleach for a sanitizer ( which i would not recommend at all except in an emergency situation) make dang sure everything is rinsed really well then rinseita couple of more times.

Welcome to the forum! Ditto on what Waldo suggested. Identify your longest, widest, hardest to sanitize piece of equipment and find a cheap container that will hold it. I try to find one that is just big enough and not to wide to keep from having to make up multiple gallons of sulfite solutions. I shoot for completely covering my utensils with 1 gallon.
EdGy-- welcome aboard --

While you're thinking about where you'll be gettingall that new equipment above...READ one of the best resources George has on this site: you'll know why Waldo gave you a little caution about bleach !

Bleach generally is not recommended for sanitizing equipment. We use a restaurant table bussing tub along with a turkey baster and a spray bottle with the sanitizing solution. You don't have to soak it, you just need contact. You can put a little in the carboy and shake it around in there. We then pour that sanitizer into our tub. The baster works for hitting all the really long equipment, like racking canes, auto syphons, long stirring spoons, etc.
Thank you Waldo and fellow vintners! After a short trip to town and Wally World I purchased something similar to what Waldo described.On the way back home I realized that I can use the same vessel to use in bottling be it wine or beer to control spills.

Waldo this is a home run for me has I try to make the most of every piece of equipment.

Edited by: EdGy
I will go against the grain and say bleach is OK to use if used properly. Use unscented and mix correctly, don't just dump it in straight. Use like a 10:1 solution and rinse very well. Also there is regular bleach and Ultra bleach so the mix ratio is different. Remember, lots of cleaners and sanitizers are chlorine based.I have done it with no ill results, just remember to rinse good. That can't be stressed enough. Those that had ill results I am sure did not rinse well or used straight bleach.I personally would not use it exclusively though but I have talked to many that do that have been doing this for years. I only say this so you don't freak out about using bleach and you can review your procedure you followed when you used it.

I use Sodium Metabisulfate which is actually cheaper to use than bleach and is great to have around. It is a great sanitizer and has multiple uses around the house. I use it to sanitize equipment. I keep spray bottles of it made up to clean the counters and cutting boards. I use the spray bottles to sanitize equipment that won't fit well in my bucket I sanitize with. I use less solution that making a huge batch to totally immerse the equipment in (although there is nothing wrong with that). It is just an invaluable product. Don't be thrown off by the salt in it, the levels left are minuscule. You can always use Potassium Metabisulfate if Sodium does bother you. Cost more and not as potent in its effects though. But still a great product and less expensive that lots of cleaner/sanitizers produced. And always remember, these are sanitizers, not cleaners. you still need to clean and then sanitize.

Also, welcome to the forum.

Edited by: smurfe

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