Champlain Valley - Grapemans' vineyard - Planting to small winery

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Rich...i use Dreamweaver and then we use StartLogic to host......we dont use templates and yes my site could be better...but so far so good
I think both of your sites look good. I built a website for this hobby. I used intuit site builder. It has been really easy to use, BUT, it might not do the things you need (or are going to need) it to do.
OK, I have redone the website to make it less complex. This is still rudimentary, but it is a lot less flaky than the other one with all the bloat in it. Does this one open better and display correctly for everyone. Content is still minimal, but I will add to it when I see if it all works alright.
Use the link at the bottom of the page in my signature line to open it.
That site is looking nice. I recommend cropping out the date stamp on your images though. It'll have a cleaner look.
Also I was checking out the Products tab saw you sell grape vines.
Might have to order some cuttings from you :)
Thanks Al, does it all load OK?

xanxer, I will eventually clean up the pictures of dates, position, etc, but for now I was just trying to get some stuff on there for testing purposes. What do you guys think of the map in the background? If you are at least 1280x1024 resolution the map will show with a star at my location. If the screen is smaller than that, it won't all show. I can't figure out how to dynamically resize the background, so this seems to work OK. I may end up just eliminating that anyways-haven't decided yet.
I had no trouble loading it but I did have problems figuring out just who your employees are.....By their names i might think they were a bunch of illegals
Waldo said:
I had no trouble loading it but I did have problems figuring out just who your employees are.....By their names i might think they were a bunch of illegals

Ya got me Waldo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. They are a lively bunch, and work cheap, but man I need a translator......

Ya found a page I didn't inactivate or custoize
Yep, loaded very quickly for me also and I like this one better then the others I have seen. Is that Google Earth shot?
It is a Google shot of upstate NY. I clipped enough to show the surrounding area and set it to semi-transparent to tone it down a bit.
That is also Google in the ciontact screen. I like it because anyone can click on the option to get driving directions from anywhere right on my contact page.
Rich, check your calendar page. All I get is the source info.

As for dates on photos, you can get rid of those on your camera.

It looks great!
Yep, the calendar page has been a pain. I wanted it to include an actual calendar and possibly have it update with actual events, but the software uses asp (active server pages) and the current server doesn't support it, so unles your computer has asp Framework on it, you get that code. Good to know it shows that woay for you. I wanted a wide variety of computers testing it. More to follow on that.

I know how to get rid of the date on the camera, but I use it to document the shots in and around the vineyard, so I use it. The few on the website I don't want it on, I just get rid of it in Photoshop.

Thanks for checking it out. A lot more work to do with actual content and fixing or deactivating pages.
my opinion only Rich...calendar pages are ok...but since you have to
enter info for whatever the event is anyways, it is easier to just have
a page listing the actual dates and the upcoming events...and also show
hours of op and such...its more concise...quicker and easier to read
and can be seen on one screen w/o the need to scroll
That's right Al as long as you remember to go into the web software and put in the event and continually update it. Check out what I have there now. I can do this right from my Google page and it is updated automatically. I put in a fake GroundHog Day event for test purposes.

Oops got a glitch here. Click the Calendar tab twice. I will fix it soon.

If I decide to keep the page as is I will edit the events below as needed. From experience, these get forgotten and you end up with events that were 6 months ago and don't list the current ones.
Rich...a question:

from your website you have for the Frontenac for example the following,

4 AK Cluster Thinned
</span>10.05 </span>20.0
</span>$900 </span>
4 AK Check
</span>10.07 </span>18.8
</span>$800 </span>

how did you determine and justify the difference in dollar value?
Al that is one of those things that is arbitrarily set - and you need some break points. If you read the explanation of the price differences it states break points where juice above those values is set higher than anything below it.

From the report:
For comparison I assign a value of $1000 per ton for grapes of minimum brix level of 21, $900 for brix between 19.5 and 21, $800 over 18 but under 19.5 and $500 for a brix of under 18. Actual price differences will vary from area to area and variety to variety, but this shows how price drops for lower sugar and higher acids.

So that is how I came up with the price difference. Thegrapes with higher brix and lower acidsare easier for the winemaker to work with so typically are priced higher.

So is there a big diffence in the value of those two between 4AK? No, but look at the difference between 4 AK and VSP- of any treatment! It's hard to ignore this, and if it holds true in other years, on other farms and soils, it could be significant. I know I want to study it further. Anytime I can grow more grapes, of a higher quality, with less work and input, I'm all for that! It makes my job easier and more profitable.

I think the biggest thing I want to show with this study is that there can be significant differences and there needs to be more research work done to determine the most profitable way to handle these cold hardy grapes.
thanks....i just wanted to verify

as for 4Ak and VSP, that is understandable...i use scott henry...since we are talking 4 arms on each, and assuming sites are vigorous, as are hybrids, then this should account for much of the increase in yield, dont you think?

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