Champlain Valley Grape Grower

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Nov 12, 2005
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Hello everyone. I joined the forum a few years back but it wasn't functioning for me then so I gave up. Wade E let me know it was working now so I came over to check it out. I must say, it is functioning well now.

I have been making wine for a number of years and four years ago decided to expand my grape growing endeavors. We have a fairly cold climate here, but normally nice sunny warm summers. Typical winter temps are about-15 degrees F. I began with a few hundred vines, but this addictive passion has turned into a couple thousand vines, if I don't count the other thousand or so in the nursery. In spite of the horrid weather we have had this last year, I am looking at harvesting several tons of grapes this fall. It can be a challenge growing cold hardy grapes, but that's part of the fun. I look forward to sharing this insane hobby with all!
Glad to have you here. There are quite a few others who have or are planning on having a vineyard. We all look forward to your expertise in winemaking.
BTW, How many acres do you have planted and planning on planting.
Dont let Grapeman fool you, He has a vineyard most would die for already and the knowledge tp to keep going with it. He works with Cornell on Cold Climate species and is a greatr asset to this site and if I had the area to grow grapes he would be the one I would be asking how to do it. Hopefully he will include some pics for us.
Glad you are here Rich. In fact I am ecstatic. As I said earlier, your expertise in growing grapes as well as winemaking will be greatly appreciated here. Our knowledge base just doubled here.
I get way too busy this time of year. I completely missed this post!

Welcome Grapeman what varieties do you grow at your vineyard?
Welcome and thanks for the choke cherry info. I dont know about the pits though? Poisonous I read!! They look like alot of work too.