Champagne Sugar

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Well I do like JohnT, I just kegg any wine that I want a fizz too. It is so much easier and you can maintain the level of sweeteness that you want.
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Well I do like JohnT, I just legged any wine that I want a fizz too. It is solo much easier and you can maintain the level of sweeteners that you want.a

Julie do you add sorbate or the k meta? Was going to try it JohnTs way but had much success with it so far with the second fermentation and riddling but I do like the idea of just bottling it at the sweetness you want. The only problem with that is I prefer a dryer champagne not one for sweet wine

Julie do you add sorbate or the k meta? Was going to try it JohnTs way but had much success with it so far with the second fermentation and riddling but I do like the idea of just bottling it at the sweetness you want. The only problem with that is I prefer a dryer champagne not one for sweet wine


yes I add k-meta and sorbate, sweeten to where I want it. This use to be my husband's keg system but I kinda borrowed it for the last couple of years :i

I currently have a moscato in there now. Skeeter Pee is another one that is very taste this way as well.
Well then płease accept my sincere apology Tovis I had no idea it could be done... There's always something new to learn on this forum
And as far as the Abv I suppose it can be safely done at more than 12 percent?:slp just making sure I understand...
Do you have a recipe for Moscato Champagne?

The Pineapple one I am going to let age but does not look promising. I will post what I am going to try with the next batch shortly.

I think I will cut the alcohol content and acid.
Barbiek, thats okay. I have read numerous books on fruit wine making and have even emailed with an author. This may be my first failure but I am fine with that because once I figure it out it will be all the better.

I think the alcohol level was more like a dessert wine. I think I want to think more about it so the next batch can thrive in the bottle fermentation stage. If I need to add more acid perhaps I will do that in the final dosage. I look forward to posting what I plan and hope you can all provide input!

This is for my niece who loves pineapple. Her 21st birthday is coming up.
Tovis don't get rid of it just put it in a cool dark area and let it age out with some additions of water back sweetening and such it will probably end up being a good wine cuz it takes a lot of aging for pineapple I would buy one of the mist pineapple kits for fast production and early drinking
Perhaps I can turn it into a still wine. I am not one who likes kits of anything. Have you made a Moscato Champagne?
A still wine is what I was thinking and no have not messed with muscadine at all. But julie has a moscato going now perhaps she would be so kind to offer her input as she is very helpful! Have you checked out the recipe forum? There is a wealth of recipes there! And check out Joeswine thread he tweaks all his kits to make them something more than just a kit you might want to just pm him his thread is sooooo long but I suggest you use the search bar also you might find something there
I won't call it moscato champayne, it is more like sparkling wine. I bought a Muscat concentrate from Homewinery. Sg was 1.090, ph 3.2. I used Lavlin 71b 1122 yeast. Backsweeten to 1.008, aged it for a year, racked to keg, added CO2, 25 psi after about a week, it was ready to drink.

please pvt for recipe information.
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