Cellar Craft CC Showcase Italian Barbera?

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Jan 22, 2012
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I'm discovering I like the Italian reds. This kits sounds delicious. Do I understand correctly that this is a " milder" red? Can it be drunk sooner and more of an everyday wine? Thanks
Medium body could be construed as milder I suppose. Its a Showcase kit. The best IMHO. You won't be disappointed. It will still take at least 12mo to be ready to drink. 18mo will be better. 24 mo killer. :r
One of my favorite kits. Very drinkable early. Has a nice tannic bite in the finish, and has a complex tartness when young which turns rounder and fuller as time passes.
Cellar Craft CC Showcase Italian Barbera has become one of my house wines. If you can't age it for a year or two, open a bottle and have a glass, then leave it out on the counter until the next day and have another glass. Repeat one more time. Now ask yourself, was it better each time? For me, the answer is "YES!".

So what you need to do is brew up a few batches of this, and brew another one each time you drink one. That's how you keep a supply aging. Obviously if you drink 2 bottles a day on average, you'll need 1500 bottles aging all the time. A large, thirsty family means you need a HUGE cellar :slp