Bubbles at top of bottle

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Dec 8, 2007
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I bottled from the spigot today by letting the wine drain from the spigot right into the bottle. This created foam (somtimes a few inches) that quickly disipated into little bubbles on the top. Yes, I did cork them all. A couple of questions:

1. How to avoid this?

2. Should I be concerned ?

I am aware, as I am sure you are, that the generally accepted advice is to use a bottle filler and fill from the bottom up to avoid injecting oxygen. Nevertheless, I always bottle from the spigot--guess I am just lazy. I tilt the bottle and let the wine run down the side of the bottle and avoid most bubbles and vigorous aeration. The last bottle or so are filled using a funnel and get a lot of aeration. I haven't been able to discern any negative effects using my non-standard procedures. I am not encouraging you to do the same, just letting you know what my somewhat limited experience has been.

Do you get the bubbles too? Good to know you haven't had any issues. I also have a white Zin ready to bottle, so I think I'll use the bottle filler this time to see what happens.
From my humble perspective, don't fret the bubbles. Bottle and enjoy your wine. And, yes, I occasionally get lots of bubbles.
Edited by: Smokegrub
Don't worry about the bubbles, they will disperse. I get them all the time using my bottling device.