Mosti Mondiale Bottling day racking issue

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Mar 14, 2010
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On Monday my Renaissance Viognier was ready to be bottled...sparkling clear as a matter of fact. Unfortunately with my inexperience I kicked up sediment when I was racking prior to bottling. I didn't realize this at first because I racked to plastic primary bucket. I noticed that my wine was cloudy after trying to filter- the filter clogged and we stopped after filtering about half a bottle's worth of wine. It should also be noted that I added the sorbate since I was following directions. Now I have a cloudy wine.

I didn't have enough wine to fit my 6 gallon Italian carboy so I racked the wine to my husband's 5 gallon glass carboy and put the remaining in bottles. I really didn't want to top off my wine.

I am hoping it will clear but have a feeling this is going to take a long time. I contacted Mosti and am waiting to hear what they recommend.

Any words of wisdom? My thoughts are just to wait it out and let the wine clear on it's own. My guess is that it is going to take a few months to clear...
I just did this a few weeks back myself with a CC Showcase Merlot. I stirred up some trace sediment and plugged 2 Vinbrite filters in about 10 min flat. Nothing I could do but wait it out until it settled back down. You will be surprised at how fast it will settle. With a white you can really see it clear, little harder with a red. It should clear nicely in a couple of days at the most. Not months! It will definitely clear on its own. Not sure if you had some type of F-pack or flavor reserve pack in the MM Renaissance kit or not but if you did add any type of sweetening post fermentation you will be glad you did add the sorbate as it will stop any type of post bottling re-fermentation/ cork popping explosions down the road.
Thanks Mike! It makes me feel better hearing that it may clear faster than what I am thinking. It's been three days and it looks slightly better but is still very cloudy. I was so excited to bottle this the other day- this is my first serious wine kit. All my other kits have been mist kits.
I dont bottle anymore until I have racked it a few times and there is nothing dropping in the carboy anymore to stir up.
+1 With the racking

If you don't want to mess with multiple rackings, consider using carboy wedges (i made mine from door shims) to prop the carboy up while clearing.

Wade has some pics of this process. This will allow the sediment to fall to one side

Also, if possible, try to get the carboy in a cooler (i know its summer
) place. The cooler temperature will help the sediment to fall more rapidly.

good luck
i have minimal experience but what i think makes sense is the day i filter, i rack first to a sanitized carboy, then clean previous carboy, assuming it is still pretty clear, filter back to original carboy, let sit for 2-3 days, then bottle....what does it add maybe 15 minutes at most....this way by racking always to glass, i can see what the wine looks like..
Well my Viognier took about 3 weeks to clear but it did clear! We siphoned everything back into a new carboy...of course being very careful! We filtered the wine and it really looked incredible- much different than the milky wine of a few weeks ago! We got 29 full bottles and 3 test bottles when we bottled today.

Of course I had some left overs and it tasted really good! It tasted so much better than it did three weeks ago. It is very fruit forward and has some spice on the end. I would describe the fruit flavors as apricot, melon and apple. It tastes sweet because of the fruit forwardness and the honey flavors but it is a dry wine. I also like the slight oak flavor to this wine. I am very excited about how this will taste in a few months because it tastes so good now! By the way I started this wine in May.

I will post pictures as soon as I finish dressing them up with labels. Thanks as always for the words of encouragement!
Glad to hear it!

I had major problems with my CC Showcase Yakima Valley Viognier clearing so maybe its a problem with the amount of proteins in Viognier.

Keep us posted on the progress and of course we always love pics!
Well since you asked...

VN Zinfandel Blush- in primary
RJS Cellar Classic California Cabernet, Zinfandel, Syrah Blend- in primary
VN Bourg Royal White- clearing
RJS Cellar Classic Bella Bianco- Battonage week two
MM Renaissance Sav Blanc- on deck (waiting for a free carboy!)

I'm thinking about ordering a Pinot Grigio and an Italian Red of some type since Italian wines are on sale this month. Any suggestions?

I want to make the OB CranApple Chardonnay for Christmas gifts. Just need to free up some more $ and carboys.

Oh and my husband and I are making beer tomorrow! We've been busy!
jeepbabe said:
Well since you asked...

I want to make the OB CranApple Chardonnay for Christmas gifts. Just need to free up some more $ and carboys.

Get those $ free and the carboys will come !!
I agree with Wade's recommendation. For a red Italian, the Super Tuscan is wonderful!
I've been wanting to try a Winery Series kit and the Super Tuscan is now ordered!
wade said:
Give this at least a year and Bammmmmmmmm, youll be in love!
Well, I've got 2 years of wine stored up now and 7 kits going. Shouldn't be a problem to have a year of aging on the Super Tuscan!