Black Current

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Today was the day, got everything sanitized, made up my sugar solution and got underway. Run the sanitizer through the spigot on the primary fermenter to empty it. Added the Black Currant fruit base to the fermenter and guess what? Yep, that's right. Forgot to shut the darn valve. Lost about 1/3 cup or so before I realized it. Crap! Got the floor cleaned up and kept on going to adding the chemicals, water and sugar solution. Stirring as I went with the Dewalt. Ended up finally with a SG of 1.088 at 73*. Hopefully it will turn out ok.

Ordered up 3 different kinds of the oak spirals to add to the carboy when it comes time. Also ordered up some perfect agglomerate corks and a corker ( the italian one ).

Tomorrow morning I will pitch the yeast, energizer and nutrient.
The corker will be a blessing and having only lost that little bit of juice will be fine also, what yeast did you use?
One hint I would like to suggest....We have 2 dogs and a cat living in the house...As well as crawly things during the summer...I always worry about that spigot....What goes in to the opening is the first thing to come out.

I always cut a finger off a surgical type rubber glove and pull it over the spigot, wrap with rubber bans to hold it on....Practice 'safe fermenting'....Keep the nasties out of that spigot.
Sounds like you are off and running....Have a can of Black Current waiting to start too..[So many wines so little time]....You are going to love your floor corker....Have fun and enjoy
Tomorrow, I have a choice between Lalvin 71B-1122 and Lalvin EC-1118 yeast. Leaning toward using the 71B-1122. After reading your post Northern Winos, I sealed off the spigot with some saran wrap. We have a cat that lives here also and to be honest, never even thought of that idea.
I used the Lalvin 71B-1122. I searched posts this morning about yeast. Decided to rehydrate according to instructions. After waiting 25 hours since I started this project, I added the yeast, nutrient and energizer. Have had the brew belt on since yesterday, staying around 75*. Here is a picture right after I added the yeast and other ingredients. How long would you think before we start seeing some action?


Put cover on loosely and covered vent hole with a cloth.
Probably start fizzing like a soda pop late tonight or tomorrow afternoon. What was your SG and how much sugar and acid did you add? Did you test your acid or go by taste or recipe? Looks great!
The SG was at 1.088 right before I added the yeast. I ended up using between 9#-91/2#'s of sugar. Kept adding the sugar mixture and water a little at a time and stirring in between. I kept checking the SG to make sure I was staying within the guidelinesof 1.085-1.090. I used 4 tsp of acid blend and went by the recipe. Ended up being over the 5 gallon mark by a little bit.
25 hours in and no action with the Black Currant yet. Stirred it up like the directions suggested ( top half ). Temp is around the 72* mark.
Did you put your ear in there and listen for the sound of a soda pop? It takes quite a awhile for enough pressure to build up to start moving the airlock.
Wade, I just have the plastic cover loose on the fermenter and a rag over the airlock hole. Should I put it on tight and use an airlock?
Gene, I don't think I would worry until after 48 hrs.. That's the way I do it, (loose cover and rag over airlock hole.) Usually when it starts, It will really foam up a storm!!
Actually its better to have it off but I just dont trust the cats I have to stay out and worry about bugs getting in. Put your ear to the inside and take a listen.
Thanks for the encouragement Barney. The 2 kits that I have done took off right away, I guess that's what I expected. And Wade, I don't hear very good anymore after 38 years working on diesel equipment. My wife listened to it but she couldn't hear anything either. I'll start to panic by tomorrow afternoon when I get home from work and it's still doing the same thing as today.
I wouldnt even worry as some yeasts dont really start for 3 days such as Cotes Des Blanc. Whats the temp though?
I have a brew belt on the fermenter and the temp strip says 77*. I just sanitized another thermometer and put it in the airlock hole and that one is showing 78*. The instructions on the can say to keep temp between 70*-80*. Maybe over anxious a little.