Bad mistake

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Mar 27, 2011
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Okay, this one has been sitting bad with me since I started my wine from a juice kit. When I decided to make my wine, I took the lid off. I sanitized my plastic stirrer.with Easy Clean. I then rinsed the stirrer off with water which I read later that I didn't have to. Then I made the dumb mistake. Yes, a rookie mistake. I dried the stirrer with a clean dish cloth. Then I stirred my wine. Ouch!! Not exactly a good move. Okay my question is what are the odds that this has ruined my batch. It is fermenting very well. I was just curious of how many have done something similar and did you end up with a bad bucket of wine?

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I wouldn't worry. Likely, everything will be fine. The alcohol in the wine will kill most anything. If it doesn't, there's nothing you can do about it, now. I'd pretend it never happened and keep on truck'n.

Note that anything that would hurt the wine would also ruin the taste, so if it tastes like really tart wine (green) when you get through fermentation, you are OK.

If you have any doubts, you can finish it, bottle it, and send it all to me; I'll let you know if it is OK. :)

Have I done such a thing? I'm not gunna' say a word!!! :dg

Seriously, those of us who have been making wine a little longer than you have likely done worse. It's a trial and error hobby and time equals more mistakes.
It really depends upon what kind of kit it was. If it was something I would have bought, it's ruined. Just finish it up and bottle it and I'll be down to properly dispose of it. If it's something I don't like you're fine.

Daryl seriously, I would not worry about it. I'm sure you're fine and the best thing is you realized what you did and next time you'll be more cautious. So what was the wine?
Well like Robie has said you are find. And Robie, Daryl lives closers to me, I'll take the wine and let you know how bad you did. :p
Okay, thank you all. You have all made me feel better. Yes, I will make sure I save all of you at least a bottle to try. What a great group of people I have had the pleasure of meeting here. I can't wait to meet all of you in person. Sounds like a fun time!!!

Too bad people that live in Wisconsin don't make mistakes like that... I'd help with disposal!

I've forgotten to sanitize lots of things... got distracted, kept going. Nothing was ever ruined. In the "old days" no one had the means to sanitize anything and wine and mead was made.

Relax... keep things "clean" and you'll do fine!

Thanks Debbie,
I couldn't stand it anymore so I just took a taste. It is still bubbling very good and it tastes like it has lots and lots of alcohol in it. I'm sure nobody on hear would like to taste anything like that. Hey it must not be that bad. I didn't have to spit it out like those famous wine testers do when they taste wine. I must be easier to satisfy.

When you take samples later on.... always put a little sugar in the glass so you can tell what it will taste like. Young wine seems to need some sugar to bring out the highlights!

Don't worry, be happy!!

I agree, we do a lot of stuff to ensure our wine comes out very good but we really do over do it! Ive sen some stuff by people that make my skin crawl and the wine still comes out fine, I just know that I dont like to take that chance as Im not made of money and hate to waste my time also. Your ine will almost no doubtely be fine, if you see anything out of the norm wait till its done fermenting and hit it with a higher level of sulfite.
I visited someone from another forum last summer....

going into the house to use the bathroom ensured I wasn't drinking any of his wine!! The pitbull was caged in the kitchen, which we squeezed through. Carboys covered in dust... and other unidentifiable filth....

You couldn't convince me that alcohol was strong enough to kill THAT stuff!

hey I liek wine with alot of alcohol my 40% petit will attest to that
TIME OUT Julie and Dan. I believe I live closer. I'll be there in a half an hour, Daryl.:dg
I think you are the closest. Since I'm new I don't have any wine ready yet but I do have a fridge full of beer. We can drink the stuff I have that's bubblin. Just have to add a little sugar like Debbie said. I drank after shave when I was 13 because it had alcohol in it. Everything else (including my fermenting wine) has been a step up since that day.

Just a follow up from Tuesdays question. I checked the SG tonight and it was .0993. I had a little extra in the wine thief so I poured it into a glass and tasted it. It had a lot of alcohol taste and a little bit bitter from the acid I guess. I did what Debbie said and added a little sugar to it. Sorry to say there is none left now. Just kidding. It tasted very good for the stage it is in (I think anyway). Of course I had a couple of glasses of store bought before I tasted it. Thanks to all for helping me sleep better for the last couple of nights without worrying.
