APPLE/JALAPENO WINE....started/recipe..

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This morning when I stirred the wine there was an insect floating in there....

It looked bigger than a fruit fly and smaller than a house fly....But, it might have been a 'full' fruit which case my wine may be ruined....or I have 4 gallons of vinegar or salad dressing. I thought I had been careful about keeping it covered with a cloth while I took the spoon to and from the bucket.....

It really tasted good this morning....can taste the apple and Jalapeño...Maybe it did need more peppers as everyone seems to say that the heat mellows out.....

Always can make another batch.

Edited by: Northern Winos
Keep your sulfite in the wine after it is done fermenting and you should be OK. Worse case scenario is that you have a wonderful apple/pepper wine with a touch of vinegar flavoring. That would be a wonderful product to cook with.
I don't see any fruit flies in the house, so he must have been a loner...
I've been keeping all my fruits and veggies out in the garage and shed, so haven't brought in a bunch stuff in at once....But, they are sneaky little buggers....and he was a big one.

When I rack how many Campden tablets should I put's over 3½ gallons???
Would one do the trick?????

Edited by: Northern Winos
Once it is done fermenting, like normal it takes 1 per gallon. Are you sure it was a fly and not just the blossom remnants from an apple. Sometimes those end up in the wine and can look just about like a large wet fruit fly. I always fish them out somehow and examine it to see if it was a fly or other matter. It rarely is truly a fly.Edited by: appleman
I didn't really look that closely, just assumed it was a fly.....I'm pretty sure it was a fly...just bigger than a wet fruit fly would be....

I have really been hunting down the house flies...we don't get that many and the ones we get like to land on my bald-ish they must die!!!!!
Went into a city today....the usual rainy day shopping.....

Stopped at the 'Brew on Premises' to try to get some yeast and they were CLOSED....for good.....It said their Fargo store was still open and "Franchises Available" Too bad I wanted to buy some boutique items for gifts....
BTW....the Apple/Jalapeño wine is fizzing away....tasted really good tonight....Might be time to pull the bag soon.

Do wines with those bags of pulp always fizz up like that when you submerge the bag and stir?????

I haven't had much experience with bags of pulp in the primary fermenting bucket.
They usually fizz up a lot. If you didn't use the bags, the C02 would push the pulp to the top and form a cap- like grapes do. The grapes in my 32 gallon Brutes get a cap almost a foot thick, especially in the beginning. Break through the cap and it fizzes away.
Okay...I won't worry about it too much then....

The other Trinity Wine is nice and quite....This one is really fizzing...At first I thought I put a lot of air in the Jalapeños with the food processor and it was just that air in there....But it just goes crazy when you stir.....Guess I don't usually stir any wines while they ferment.
Northern Winos said:
Too bad I wanted to buy some boutique items for gifts....

So we should expect the same Christmas gifts this year as we got last year

Franchise opportunity ?????? and you didn't get a phone number?

Edited by: jobe05
Yes, you will all be getting the same gifts as you got last year....

This place was always busy, usually about 200 carboys fermenting in there...but the guy was usually pretty 'jolly'. Last year the state wanted to shut them down because they weren't using enough native fruits in their wines...they were mostly making kit wines....Then the state said they could remain not sure why they are closed. The store in Fargo should have the same North Dakota rules as Grand Forks...

Wonder what they did with all those carboys....There were a few in sight, some were full and most were empty. The shelves of wine glasses, books and 'toys' were gone....So it goes.

Edited by: Northern Winos
I pulled the bag of Jalapeños this morning...not much pulp left in there...


The wine still tastes like Jalapeño Jelly favorite.

Cleaned and cut up some more for more wine...will freeze them....


Now I have quit sneezing and coughing, the sinuses are clear....
For wine, unless your hubby sees them and has a another cowboy campfire meal!
Looks pretty interesting. I Imagen its apretty zippy and warm experience too, drinking a Jalapeño apple wine
. Jalapeños are just great tasting.
Tested the wine today and to my surprise it was down to .997....That was a fast one....but with all the fizzing and stirring, not really surprised.

So racked it to glass and airlocks....


Kind of murky looking....We had a taste, I've had many....Jim's first taste and impression was "pretty good".....It's not harsh and the Jalapeño isn't over powering.....Will taste again in a couple weeks.
The apple juice from these apples is pink, so wonder what the final color will be....wish I would have had red Jalapeños, that would have made a n ice color....I think.
NW. I hope you used gloves...I am so guilty of not protecting my hands,,,,,then my eyes pay for it when I rub them.

I'm wondering if during fermentation the peppers are a potent as when you boil them when you make salsa(the Mexican way). Takes your breath away.

Looks like a very interesting wine!!!! Pretty too.

I did wear gloves.....couldn't really smell them when they were fermenting....I thought it would be strong in here.....I took the seeds out, so it made it milder than some would like....Good enough for us Gringos.

When I was cleaning the 2 bags of peppers I froze up for future batches of wine I did get hit by the fumes...I was coughing and sneezing and my sinuses got cleaned out really good.....

Hoping this wine turns out good...It tasted pretty good all through the just have to wait for it to clear....