Another Bisulfite question

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Jan 18, 2011
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Is there a "shelf" life to a bisulfite solution once your prepare it? I know it's not terribly expensive, but I pour a lot of the stuff down the drain.
It should last a couple months if left in a sealed container, i make mine up and put it in a spray bottle .This is one of the easiest ways to spray a fine mist on all my tools before making wine and i never have to dump the excess down the drain.

I only use a spray bottle with sulfite in it and I use it all up within a month or so.

Try making only what you believe you will use up within the near future. Hopefully by now you should know how much you need per each batch of wine.

Dry it lasts a long time in a sealed container as it is most powerful as a vapor not a liquid.
I mix mine up in a 1 liter soda bottle. I use an empty Scweppes Tonic Water bottle. It's just the right size and it has an oversized mouth and cap.
Yes these small amounts are perfect. You will waste little if any and it's convenient and fast to make.

After washing all my carboys when it's time to use them I'll wash them again with warm soapy water, rinse then spray in @ 12 squirts from the bottle around the neck and straight in. Let it sit then I will even twirl the carboy coating the entire inside with the solution then dump out. I do rinse out with a tad bit of water but we have good water here. Others may not. Something to consider but I also watch my sulfite levels.

All of my utensils are sprayed off before using as well.
What is the common practice with carboys? Leave the sulfate to drip out or rinse with tap water? bk
Homer, we have good water here and I rinse off with cool water , shake off gently the utensils. For the carboys I leave just a tiny amount of water in, (@ 1 ounce) so when I add my Potassium Metabisulfite it can disolve. It does take a quick lift of the carboy and then angle to get the bit of water up over the bottom of the carboy lip to the center.

Same goes for the sorbate.

There are people who will not rinse off. It's how you were taught and if you have had problems or expect them with your water. Well water I would not rinse off but allow everything to dry awhile after spraying.
How about an UNsealed container? How long well it last? I use a wallpaper tray filled with water and No Rinse cleaner. I use this to keep my stirrer's and hydro, etc. in. I am checking / stirring a couple times a day and this is very convient.
Big Bend, when I first started I did the same thing. What I would recommend is use a spray bottle. Rinse your untensils off, spray them and then place in your wall paper tray until you're ready to use them agian. This way you're using a lot less and they're real handy for you.