An Email From My Dad

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
DC Suburbs
Dropped a few bottles off with my dad a couple weeks ago. I've been getting very good reviews from him, then I got this email today.


I just opened the last bottle of wine you gave me a few weeks ago. This one is the Super Tuscan. I am letting it breathe for 20 minutes or so, but I did take a sip. It is outstanding. I love it. Give me a price and if if you have them I'll take three more.

I really enjoy winemaking; but some days, I just absolutely love it. :D
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Jim that is so awesome. My biggest regret in winemaking is the fact my dad is not around to see/taste it. He would have absolutely loved it.
Now be sure to GIVE them to him. Tell him it is illegal to sell them to him and you just want to pay him back a bit for all he has given to you over the years.

I called him to thank him for the kind words, and he again asked what he could chip in for a few more bottles. I told him that would depend on where they set my bail after throwing me in jail for bootlegging. :)

I'm gonna have to squeeze another one of these into this year's rotation.
You get it my friend... you simply get it.

there is so much more to this then making wine. It is the meaning behind it that makes the difference between a simple hobby and an overpowering obsession.

rather than make wine FOR your dad, try to arrange it so that you make wine WITH your dad.

John John John....I gotta tell ya, was about the most powerful thing I've seen posted in forever. You are always just full of surprises. I think you should extend Lent for yourself a few extra weeks. You must be a Welch!

rather than make wine FOR your dad, try to arrange it so that you make wine WITH your dad.
No matter how young or old the boy a dad's admiration means everything. My dad loved the Montepulciano I make every year. I name it after his mother, Vin Rosa Tortorici. Every time I served wine he would ask it this was HIS wine. He got where he could actually identify it by taste. So I guess he really liked the wine and not just the name. Tears flowing.
Making it with him is my intention. There was a small part of me that was tempted to show up at my parents place with a kit and a couple carboys. But my mother would probably kill me. :)

I have enough wines at various stages that I can have him over and in one afternoon, show him pitching yeast, racking, filtering, bottling and consuming. And not having to do it all himself would keep the hobby from getting in the way of his golf game.
John John John....I gotta tell ya, was about the most powerful thing I've seen posted in forever. You are always just full of surprises. I think you should extend Lent for yourself a few extra weeks. You must be a Welch!

rather than make wine FOR your dad, try to arrange it so that you make wine WITH your dad.

dan.... now i am being nice here, why do you punnish me???? :)
my dada came from a long line of winemakers and grape growers. the hard part came whenever i needed to break from tradition and enforce a more scientific approach. still, it is all worth it. when i get it right, and the world is perfection with every sip of one of my really good vintages, i would say... 'dad, you gotta try this!'.. that look on his face would speak volumes.

we were never a mushy family. we NEVER said "i love you" to one another. we didnt have to. that look said it all.
My Dad was so intrigued when I showed him the process of making wine and he now comes and makes wine with me. I have a very special relationship with him, he was always there for EVERYTHNG... From teaching me to ride my bike or rather guiding me - wanted the training wheels off the moment I set eyes on it) to bringing me to every horse show on long hot summer days to teaching me outdoor and survival skills etc, etc . I really do feel like I'm giving something back in sharing this hobby with him. He gets to go home with wines for his wine rack that he will love and we share good times together in the process. He chips in by buying some of the wine supplies needed to make his wine and his wine juices or kits. He's loving the taste of that chocolate orange port! He can't understand how I can get around each day with those bulk aging carboys in the room and not sneak drinks all the time! I'm trying to teach him the golden rule of patience lol