Am I the only one...

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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...who is suffering with a week-long (so far) nasty viral disease that's going around? Every day it seems to hurt in a new place. Yesterday I felt like I was coughing up a lung. Added to that today is a sore throat that feels like someone's taken a cheese grater to it but it's not even red. Go figure. A lot of people at work have it and there's nothing you can do for it but ride it out. Ugg. I hope I don't get thrown off!

My advice...don't get it!
Joan just be sure it is just the flu. I had the flu shot this year and so far didn't get it-I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If you develop a severe cough that doesn't improve go to the doctor and get checked for pertussin(whooping cough). My son brought it home from school and weeks later is still coughing horrible. We all had anti-biotics. My 17 year old and I are the only ones that didn't get sick. We all- as I'm sure you too- had been vaccinated for it.

Hope you feel better soon. You will need to work in the garden and yard before you know it in spite of the snow, cold and today tremendous winds.
It has been going around down here. I felt terrible on Sunday, so I went to the doctor on Monday. Got a z-pack and am finally starting to feel better. Still coughing a lot with a ton of sinus drainage, but I still have my lungs. Not for the lack of trying to cough them up, like Joan.

Doctor says it is flu-like, whatever the H@#* that means. I got the flu shot, but from what I read, it is only good for about 1/3 of the flu's this year. Oh goody!
I had a fever Mon afternoon thru Wed afternoon and still have a good head cold. I cant believe that i still have a nose after lowing it so many times a day. I finally shaved today, I was so sore even using the Puffs Plus that i couldnt even get near my barely growing "stash" and i use that word loosely as i have never been able to grow anything that looked decent. just a whole bunch or scrubble so I looked like a bum for the last few days. I still made it to work cause I just cant afford to miss a day but today started my vacation.
Oh thank goodness! I don't feel so alone now!

My head isn't bad and most of the time it's clear. I have it in my chest and neck. For the first several days I had a "1-900" voice.
Now I have no voice at all. (A large part of the world is thankful for that!

I've just expended all the strength I have typing this. It's time to lay down.