Adding Fruits or oak? When and how?

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Aug 4, 2015
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Here are the specifics:
Fontana Merlot kit
Beginning SG before yeast - 1.080
Began 2 days ago - 8/3/15

I read several reviews about these kits being great for the price but lacking body and depth when made per the instructions. Several reviewers said that adding oak and dried blueberry's or other dried fruit really helped. My questions are, should I have added the dried fruit when it first began? Can it be added now even though its a couple of days in? Does it need to be added whole as it is packaged or should it be slightly crushed to release more sugar? And, when is the best time to add the oak? I've read that it can be added during primary or secondary with each adding a different flavors?

Any tips, help, suggestions, limericks or witty sayings are greatly appreciated!
Limericks, huh? How about this one:

There once was a guy named Brewjangle,
Who was looking for an improvement angle,
So his posted his question,
Got many a suggestion,
And now his wine is Fantabulangle.

Seriously Brew, take a look at this thread by Joeswine, specifically number 962.
You can certainly still add fruit to the must at this point. It makes things a little neater if you put it in a mesh bag or muslin bag. You can get these either at your LHBS (local home-brew store) or use a paint-strainer bag from a home-improvement store.

As for oak, generally speaking, oak chips or sawdust should go in primary fermentation, and oak cubes or larger should go in during aging.
For me, I would have added some sugar, simple/syrup, fruit, etc. up front to get that SG up around 1.095-1.100.
If the yeast is still active then yes put the sugar because then the yeast will use up all that sugar and turn it into more alcohol during primary fermentation.
careful you don't add too much sugar. I always go with the approx. scale of 1 cup will raise SG .018gal. Since it's already been fermenting a few days you can't go by what it reads now ( maybe someone good with the math can help you ;) ) With Merlot's I usually aim for about 1.090 for SG.
Because of the lack of depth with this kit I wouldn't go too high with the alcohol or you'll end with no taste.
Thanks for the limerick and the link
Its sure to guide me to a better drink
I'll post many a'reply
along with a toast to the sky
Hopefully I wont have to pour it down the sink!

If I may piggyback since the oak experts seem to be here, I got some Fr. oak this afternoon to test on a portion of my blackberry wine.
I also wondered about Black Walnut; I've got some from a tree we felled that has been sitting waiting on a woodworking friend to come pick it up.
I can't find anything with a quick Google or forum search (lots of furniture static, and walnut wine recipes) and the LHBS store had no experience/opinion.
Hi, I have a blackberry wine fermenting (52hours in),
I am planning on going out to buy some oak chips.
Is it fine to add now?
If I may piggyback since the oak experts seem to be here, I got some Fr. oak this afternoon to test on a portion of my blackberry wine.
I also wondered about Black Walnut; I've got some from a tree we felled that has been sitting waiting on a woodworking friend to come pick it up.
I can't find anything with a quick Google or forum search (lots of furniture static, and walnut wine recipes) and the LHBS store had no experience/opinion.

I don't pretend to have any expertise but you say that you felled a black walnut tree and are considering using that wood to "oak" your wine. Was there a reason that you felled the tree? Are you certain that the wood is disease free? I ask because you may be creating a problem for your wine..
Hi, I have a blackberry wine fermenting (52hours in),
I am planning on going out to buy some oak chips.
Is it fine to add now?

I typically put oak powder in the primary during fermentation, and chips or spirals in the carboy after I rack. You can also buy tannins in a bottle, which lend a nice flavor.