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It's not snowing, the bueaty of making wine, it can sit in the carboy till I'm ready and only get better, time for me to log off, see you tomorrow. AAA
Not if we see you first!!!


My Welches concord bottled grape wine half juice half water with 1 qt
pear juice, stablized and fined racked to carboy today to set for a

6 gal Sauvignon Blanc Bolero (Spagnols) California style 23lt anseptic
kit, stablized and fined today, this kit instructions had you rack
first then stablize and fine, the bentonite went in today, in the
island mist kit the bentonite was the first ingredient in. I had to top
up with distilled water that's all I had, my well water looks like mud
now (mud season). I can't get these pictures under the other headings
only here.
Sorry for being so naive, but what is this anseptic kit? Is it a type of wine? Is it antiseptic?

But they look great!!! I like the color of the Welch's!!! Good job!
it's a 23 liter kit that you don't add water to, anseptic is how they preserve it in those bags I think, but you get a "free" primary (23ltr) with every
Looking good Stinkie! I think the word might be aseptic.

Well how do they taste?


6 gal Sauvignon Blanc Bolero (Spagnols) California style 23lt looks
great 1 day after fining, I feel better now that I have a carboy full
of golden good looking wine!
Looks good. White wines are by far the prettiest wines, especially the gold colored ones. There are several color descriptors for white wine. Gold, straw, lemon, etc.
That is a kit I would definitely consider making. It just sounds good.

Edited by: Country Wine
I just finnished four hours working on my wines, but have to go check sap, I took pictures too, will be back tonight.