A piece of fruit in the wine

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Feb 23, 2014
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I am just curious if there is any adverse effects for my apple wine or the piece of kiwi if I were to leave a piece of kiwi in the wine when I bottle it?

From what I recall, kiwi juice is supposed to make the wine smell nice... Any opinions?

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
any particles left in wine after bottling will disintegrate and make the wine cloudy. I would also be worried about the fruit getting rotten and adding off taste and odors to wine. any flavors or aroma desired from the fruit should be done at time of fermentation.
fruit in the wine

unless it's sangria and your ready to drink it, not a good idea!
How about adding say like pineapple juice before bottling? Will it also rot or. Add to the cloudiness? Does pasteurizing the juice and the wine help?

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
My wine is already clear~ guessing it's stable. (Maybe minimal refermen can happen)

My plan is to add pineapple juice and sugar to adjust the taste. Put it back into the fridge(not freezer of course) so the wine won't refermen plus the cloudiness will disappear) rack it a few more times so remove whatever that sinks to the bottom. Lastly when the wine is clear once again I will bottle it then pasteurize it to remove any surviving yeast.

Concern: Will all the pineapple juice or/and sugar sink to the bottom and will get removed when I rack? Or will the juice and sugar stay evenly distributed so it's not a concern?

Opinions on this plan?

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Curious about how you are going to Pasteurize wine. Heat can give it a "cooked" flavor and drive off your alcohol.
There's really no perfect way to do it. It's either good short term wine or bad long term wine... I'm gonna heat it at 60 degree for 5.6 minutes.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
What is wrong with the smell of your wine as it is?
Nothing really... It doesn't smell bad... I just don't love it~ and I want to make sure my wine is awesome. Hahaha

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Like others have said, adding fruit is not a good idea. Why don't you juice the kiwi and add that juice. You should have the same results.
Yeah, either that or just buckle down a bit and wait. Ie, make sure the wine is clear and the gravity is not moving. Add some sorbate and sulfite to the wine, sweeten to taste and verify the wine is still stable... Afterwords, let the wine clear and bottle.

That is what I would do in your position.

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